The Breakdown (6)

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I slowly walked down the stairs amd that's when I remembered that Mom and Dad could still be here. So my surprize then I walked into the kitchen I found out that they didn't know I got drunk and left at like 6 am this morning.

I didn't really miss them that much they didn't pay all that much attention to me at home anyways.

I could tell that Tony and Dre would be really mad at me though. One of the only things that made them really mad was drinking and smoking. Of course there was other things but those to really triggered them.

My head still felt really bad but I was more worried about what my brothers were gonna do to me.

I decided to just eat breakfast and try and act as normal as possible so mabey they thought I wasn't as drunk as what I was.

As I was washing the plates after eating because nobody in this house ever washes up😂 So I decided to do some.

Tony came in and asks: When did you leave yesterday😑
I responded: At like 10 why does it matter?
Tony: Because mabey we actually care about you Emily.
"Look tony I'm not in the mood for this" I say as i try and push last him. He grabs my wrist and says:"Hey were not done talking you seriously need to stoop being to rebellious its getting old and people are gonna stop caring about you if you keep pushing them away"
That really hurts you to hear him say that. You are on the verge of crying😢
Dre walks into the room just them. He sees you near crying and he sees Tony not knowing what to do. Tony was alway acward when people cryed no matter who they were.

Dre walked over and hugged us both. I couldn't take it anymore I let if all out I cryed my eyes out. Tony and Dre hugged me so tight. Dre carried me upstairs and luckily nobody was awake yet because they were hungover. Tony watked behind him and they both sat in my room with me. Tony asked:Look we know it's hard not being with Mom, Dad and your friends but you are here for you sake. I looked up at him and said: You think I'm crying because of me being here? Tony and Dre looked confused I could tell that's what they thought this was about. I continued: Guys I broke down because..........I have a 'self harm' problem apperently and I've had the need to cut for a while and I havent because I'm trying to fix it but it's getting really. Cutting gives the sensation of relief and numbness.
They looked at me like I had dies or something just sorrow and pitty in their eyes. They sat on my bed and hugged me until I felt I couldn't cry anymore.

After awhile Alex came looking for Tony because he agreed to make a video for his channel. Alex was stunned at me crying above all things. I didnt shoe much emotion and I can see that but I am a person I do cry.

*skip a week cause it was boring*

I had a real chill week nothing happened I didn't go to school because we had mid term break. I cryed a lot for the first 2 days but by now I was actually starting to improve both my attitude and behaviour.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter again. I will try and make them longer. Hope ye are enjoying my book and remember to vote please😘. Word count 616.

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