19. A Wish

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Far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, Si-ri was gladly weaving clothes for winter. Out of the blue she noticed some light from the corner of her eyes and rushed towards her window for clarity.

She became a little frightened and suspicious, worried there could be the presence of a human being but it was something else.

"Oh! It's a lantern, it seems people have started to celebrate the festival," said Si-ri and closed the window to stop herself from admiring the sky full of lanterns. In this way, she would clog herself from the strong desire to go and see the world, happy faces of people, celebration, colours, crowd and everything.

"If only, father would have been here I would not feel this lonely. It's been a long time since I haven't seen you father, please come back soon. I am missing you very badly" Si-ri mumbled in her thoughts while resting on her chair. She closed her eyes and shed tears and a lone tear slowly slid down her face as she recalled some memories of her parents.

She had a sketch of her mother that she had made. Touching the sketch delicately, she said, "I still miss you, I miss you every day. You were the centre of my universe, you were my whole world. You know mom, I am now skilled in cooking, weaving and everything that you wanted me to learn. Even though it was not that easy, father tried so hard to feed me after you left, by cooking all by himself but it was totally tasteless, it was punishment for my taste buds that's why I learned everything quickly."

Her lips and eyes both were manifesting different stories. Her lips were forming a complete crescent while eyes were brimming with tears.

Si-ri suddenly heard someone calling her name at the front door. The voice seemed too familiar. She ran towards the door and started peeping from the hole first for her security.

"It's Min-ho. What is he doing here?" Si-ri opened the door with a mixed feeling and gave him a piece of her mind. Her tone and expression awoke an unwelcoming feeling.

But Si-ri's words could not affect Min-ho as he was lost in filling his eyes with every ounce of her beautiful face. He was smiling like an idiot and said, "You look really cute when you are angry".

Suddenly, there was a hushed silence between them. They both were looking at each other as if they were hypnotised or if someone had cast a spell on them. They both held each other's gaze, unaware of their surroundings that reckons the rhythm of passing breeze, drumming of brittle leaves on windowpanes and the mist that holds the mansion in a dark caress.

But as always shyness often gets in the way of intense eye contact. Si-ri shyly breaks eye contact but Min-ho was still staring at her. Si-ri coughs to grab his attention.

Min-ho regained his consciousness and felt embarrassed for his words.

"You helped me in making lanterns for the festival, so I thought to give you one as a gift," said Min-ho hesitantly.

Si-ri smiled and thanked him for the gift. She may look angry from outside on the sudden arrival of Min-ho but somewhere deep down she was happy that he was here.

"Let's go to the rooftop". Si-ri grabs Min-ho's hand in excitement and drags him towards the rooftop.

The moment they reached the rooftop, the sky was full of colourful and bright lanterns. The view was so mesmerizing.

Si-ri took lantern from Min-ho and started to write her wish and asked Min ho for his lantern.

"Where is your lantern?"

"I don't have one but it's okay since I don't have a wish anyways." Min-ho shrugged

"It's not alright. Our desires are one of those powers that make us feel alive. To dream is like breathing. No dream or desire is like wandering and living life in a monotonous way aimlessly. Dare to dream, there is no limitation on what you can potentially achieve, except for the boundation you choose to impose on your imagination. Set yourself free like a bird in the sky of ambitions, dreams and desires and let yourself soak in the light of accomplishment and failures."

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