25. A Fairy Tale

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The sound of chirping birds fell onto Ruyi's ears. She moaned from the streaming sunlight against her face and wondered how long she had been asleep for. Suddenly, she felt a feathery sensation caressing her cheeks, it was so soft yet tickling. "You look even more gorgeous while sleeping, my Princess". Ruyi heard a familiar voice and came to her senses. With a mental sigh she allowed her brain to focus and cautiously open her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes, only to be met with a pair of glittery ones looking at her with much affection.

While exchanging glances, Ruyi recalled their last night, a flush ran down her body and she quickly pulled the duvet over her head to hide her face.

The Prince burst out laughing looking at his wife's adorable act.

"My dear, since you are shy, I will be waiting for you at the dining table. Come soon, I have a surprise for you," said Prince Jian and walked out of the room.

As soon as Ruyi heard the word 'surprise' she couldn't hold in her excitement. She jumped out of bed immediately and rushed to take a bath, her beaming smile never leaving her face.

Princess Ruyi dolled up in her hanbok was escorted towards the hall by court ladies.

Prince Jian's bright gaze fixed on his wife Ruyi. "I hope the Prince didn't have to wait too long for me," said Ruyi hesitantly. She was feeling a bit scared that maybe the Prince was angry on her late arrival even though she was not that late.

"Well, I don't mind waiting for you, but you didn't make me wait for long. Come, let's have breakfast", said Prince Jian.

The table was full of different dishes, fruits, meat and what not.

Ruyi was still excited and wanted to know about the surprise so she quickly gulped down and finished her breakfast.

After they finished their food she curiously asked, "You were talking about a surprise?"

"Oh yes! I heard that you are fond of horse riding," said Jian.

"Yes, I really love horse riding and going to beautiful places. It's weirdly satisfying but somewhere deep inside it soothes my soul," answered Ruyi with a smile.

"Alright, shall we go then," asked Jian.

"Where"? Ruyi gave him a questioning stare.

"To soothe your soul, my love", said Jian teasingly.

Ruyi's flickering eyes were enough to pour out her immense happiness on Prince Jian's surprise. Lots of thoughts clouded Ruyi's mind as she was so happy. She sees Prince Jian had already mounted on the horse.

"My Princess". He murmured with quiet tenderness and gave his hand to Ruyi. She grabbed on it as he reeled her into his mare with one great effort and straddled her facing him.

They both were so close that the heat on their breaths can be felt. Ruyi's eyes glided over his lips, and she knew right then what she wanted. Prince Jian flaunted his smile that was adding an allure on his handsome face. Ruyi was expecting a kiss while his lips landed on her forehead instead.

Ruyi felt frustrated about he built up the suspense only to end up doing nothing. She then grabbed his neck and slammed her lips into his.

"I never thought you would come out to be this bold," said Jian in a surprised tone.

"You will see my other shades soon, my Prince," said Ruyi teasingly. Prince Jian strode forward on his horse and the lovely couple went to enjoy their first ride together.

"When you are lucky to get the right partner, your life blooms with happiness. Being with Jian makes me feel like my life is no less than a fairy tale. Jian loves me so much even though he never admits it. I could see the love in his eyes. I have only spent a few days with him but in those few days he has filled me with more happiness than i have ever felt in my life. Being a Princess doesn't mean that you have everything. I grew up in a shadow of a father for whom I was just an object to be used to make alliances with other provinces, and a strict mother who never showed me any love. I have never felt this much happiness before Tomorrow is Jian's Birthday. I wish to give him something priceless," Ruyi thought to herself.

"Where are you lost ? Come let's explore the beach," said Jian as he dismounted from the horse and helped Ruyi down.

It was a sunny day even though the flowing cold breeze was feeling just right against Ruyi's cheeks. Holding Jian's hand and playing with the waves Ruyi said "You know Jian what I was thinking?" Jian nodded his head in denial.

"I wish we would lead a life tinted with every hue of life be it love, be it peace, be it misery but never separation.

I wish, to hold you and see the snow fall wrapped in your embrace

I wish, when it rains I would shut my eyes and let myself drain in pouring rain and you would be there smiling looking at me.

I wish we would become each other's shields and protect each other in our times of miseries like tree shelters land on hot summer days.

And in this way we would grow old together like dried leaves of autumn and cherish all those beautiful weathers we had spent together". Ruyi completed.

Jian held her waist tightly and said looking at her with his intense look, "I think one lifetime is not enough for me to love you,That's how much I love you."

Ruyi smiled faintly and asked him, "Fine. But you are not allowed to marry any other Princess or have any concubines, otherwise I will flee from the palace and get married to another powerful king and make babies with him."

"How can that be possible? When I would be the one who'll be busy making babies with you," said Jian and they both burst into laughter.

Meanwhile, Lord Yong was distressed about the Prince. He could not decide whether to tell the King about the book or not. "It seems the King has forgotten about the curse and the truth that his daughter is still alive and this can create problems for Prince Jian for sure. Tonight the truth will be revealed."

"Nobody can answer how many days Prince Jian would have to suffer before dying. The Queen again will take the help of Mi-sook, as she blindly trusts her. I am scared that in order to rectify the damage she would end up making things worse."

At last, Lord Yong decided that he would not tell anyone about the matter. He believed that Prince Jian wouldn't die easily when the curse came into existence. But it will definitely begin to affect him and unfortunately he'll have to suffer the horrific sounds and faces all around him. On the other hand, Si-ri would be the one working on breaking the curse.

As soon as the curse will be broken, everything will become quiet and alright except for Mi-sook. She will pay for her sins by losing her life.

Lord Yong had prepared a present for Si-ri for her eighteenth birthday. He was relieved that his innocent daughter was safe from the effect of the curse otherwise it would have been painful to see her going through the horrific experiences under the name of curse.

In the palace

The Emperor and Empress were delighted for Prince Jian's birthday celebration. "Tomorrow, I shall hand over the throne to my son. Tomorrow onwards he will take the responsibility of Noam," said the Emperor proudly.

"This would be the best present ever for him. I am sure he will come out as a good and powerful King," expressed Empress.

"Indeed, at a very young age he has mastered many skills be it horse riding, decision making, swordplay, martial arts. He is perfect to be a ruler."

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