38. A Glimmer of Hope

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At the palace

The Emperor ordered the guards to find and kill Mi-sook as soon as possible. He was alarmed when he found out about Mi-sook's intentions and her journey for vengeance. The flames of revenge have no culture, no emotions, no mind, and no mercy it consumes whatever pleases and satisfies it. The same flame of her revenge was so violent that it burned down the happiness of the emperor's family into ashes.

At this stage, the poor man thought that all his happiness had collapsed like a house of cards in one blow of Mi-sook. But now he is worried about Si-ri's safety therefore, he ordered to kill Mi-sook as soon as possible.

At midnight

A weird noise was coming out from Princess Ruyi's chamber. She was sweating and blabbering in her dream.

"No, Jian! Please, don't leave me."

Ruyi's dream took her back to Jian. She kept on begging Jian not to leave her. Jian hugged her and said, "I'll come back to you. Stop crying, It's time to celebrate" and vanished into thin air. Ruyi woke up, her eyes were open like two flashlight beams. She was panting, the dream was still fresh in her mind. As she was connecting every dot from her dream she recalled the one sentence by Jian, "I'll come back to you."

All of a sudden, the wave of nausea clawed her throat, it was so intense. She rushed to the washroom to empty her stomach. Her face became white, dripping bile, sweat and tears. She washed her face and got back to her bed in a state of confusion.

In the morning, Ruyi was not able to move out of the bed. The Queen had become very fond of Ruyi and she loved Ruyi very much. When the Queen didn't find Ruyi at the breakfast table, she went to check up on her in her chamber.

She walked into Ruyi's chamber. She saw Ruyi lying on bed and rushed to check on her. "What happened to my child? ain't you feeling good?"

"I am fine, I just feel a bit weak," Ruyi answered.

"Wait, I'll call a royal physician," The Queen caressed Ruyi gently.

The physician came and checked Ruyi.

"Is everything alright?" Queen asked in a concerned tone

"Your Highness! It's a time to celebrate. Congratulations! You're going to be a grandmother." The physician revealed the news with happiness.

Ruyi and the Queen looked at each other with tears brimming their eyes . Their expressions radiating immense joy. Finally, Ruyi could connect the dot from her dream of last night. Happiness was flowing through her, warming her skin like the rays of an early summer sun. Everything is going to be alright now, after all she is going to be a mother now.

The Queen kissed her forehead with love. Her face was lit up with joy. "See my child, God has given us another chance to be happy. He is so kind. The clouds of miseries are fading away, soon we'll see the brighter sky. You need to take care of yourself from now on. This baby is a blessing for us."

The Queen rushed to disclose the good news to the King.

The King felt delighted to hear the news but he ordered everyone to keep it a secret until they caught Mi-sook. Otherwise she'll definitely try her best to harm the Princess. "After a long time happiness has knocked our door, we can't afford to lose this at any cost."

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