31. Healer

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In the evening

Min-ho walked to the well and collected a few of the bottles, and proceeded to the cave to meet Si-ri.

Meanwhile, Si-ri was lost in thoughts of Min-ho.

"My skin tingles, where he touches me. My heart beats erratically whenever he comes closer to me. His voice, his face is good but it's something with his smile where my brain dwells on. Every time he smiles looking at me it seems like everything will be fine. His smile gives me hope for better tomorrow. I don't know what Min-ho thinks about me but all I know is that, I'm falling for him. Hard."

Si-ri's state of trance was disturbed by Min-ho's arrival.

He stood in front of her, all wet as it was raining heavily. As always, he flaunted his smile to Si-ri, and handed her the bag.

"You're all wet, come I'll give you some clothes to keep you warm." Si-ri gave her father's clothes to Min-ho and asked him to change.

"Thank you, these are the wishes I collected from the well, while I change you can start going through the wishes," he says before walking away.

Si-ri opened the bottles and started reading the wishes of people.

Min-ho came back to see Si-ri's depressed face.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" asked Min-ho.

"I don't know whether I should laugh or cry after reading these people's wishes," said Si-ri.

Min-ho took one paper and read it aloud, "Oh! Lord Lucian, I have immense faith in you. I only wish to marry the love of my life Yoona. Please make her mine." Min-ho made a disgusted face and grabbed another one to read.

"Lord Lucian, there is a man named Ji-ho. He is a cruel and ruthless brat, always demeans the poor people and even torments innocent animals. It's my humble request to you, turn him into a dog." Min-ho burst out laughing hysterically and said, "I wish I could make this happen."

Min-ho goes for another read while Si-ri was busy scouting some logical and genuine wish from the pile of letters.

"My most beloved God Lucian, shower me with your blessing to be the winner in gambling."...argh... "What should I do with these kinds of idiots," said Min-ho in total distress.

Si-ri called Min-ho with a beaming smile and handed him a letter that holds some sense and an expression of neediness.

"My mother has been suffering from fever for many days, now she has become so weak that she couldn't even walk properly. She is the only bread earner and I am too young to do any labour. We are starving as we don't have anything to eat. We can't even afford a physician. Please save my mother. I don't have anyone else besides her."

Min-ho felt a sharp pang in his heart while reading the letter. He shifted his eyes to Si-ri and asked, "Can we save that child's mother?"

"Of Course, I just need some time to prepare that potion," said Si-ri as she took a book and started preparing that potion.

Si-ri quickly handed over the potion to Min-ho and asked him to hurry up.

"Wait. You know that child?" asked Si-ri

"I guess I know the lady. Don't worry, she'll be fine soon." Min-ho assured Si-ri.

Si-ri gave him some fresh fruits and some other edibles for them. He left quickly. Luckily the rain had stopped.

Meanwhile Si-ri occupied herself in reading the left over letters.

Min-ho reached the hut, gave a gentle knock on the door, and hid himself beside a tree while leaving the potion and foodstuff on the front of the door.

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