33. The Final Goodbye

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In the palace

Prince Jian's condition was getting horrible. He even started to see dark shadows in the daylight. He experienced the dark shadows cohering with him all the time and also felt the suction of his energy quaffed by them like a parasite. He could see everything clearly, how the shadows move as though they have a life of their own, watching him and shifting with his movements. Spirits lurked in the shadows as they watched him.

Talking about his appearance, he looked like a living skeleton. His handsome fair skin had now become pale, his once bright eyes had been replaced with swollen and barren ones. He was living in terror and spoke in a tremulous voice.

Jian often yammered about a wild cry disturbing the silence of the night and eventually shrunk in the horror.

His tone grew thrillingly distinct as he whispered to Ruyi about the disfigured bodies roaming around him and glaring him with hatred.

"Ruyi! Ruyi! They are coming here please hold me. Don't leave me." He screamed in extreme fear. In seconds he was curled tight in the bed. His only movement was his trembling limbs as salty tears darkened his sleeves. In his panic attack he felt everything spin and collapse.

Ruyi poured her gaze on collapsed Jian with helpless eyes. There was no way through which she could help him. Several thoughts were accelerating in her mind for any kind of miracle, but sadly at the end all of them lead the one and only path, the path to the end.

Looking at the condition of their beloved son, the King and Queen lost all hopes. Somewhere they both had accepted the bitter truth that Jian wouldn't survive.

The whole palace had become a graveyard.

Later that night

Ruyi was gazing at the sky while sitting beside sleeping Jian. "There is something bizarre in the darkness." A sudden cry caused her eyes to widen as she looked over at Jian.

The wave of nausea that hit Jian was so intense that he couldn't inform Ruyi and emptied his stomach on the bed. He heaved himself and once again the floor was sprayed.

Not only did Ruyi's blood run cold but it completely congealed seeing Jian coughing up blood. She screamed in terror making court ladies and guard enter the room.

Jian was in terrible pain that his complexion became ashen. Ruyi collected herself from the fear and wiped his mouth. She ordered guards to inform his parents and royal physician.

She continued boosting his spirit. "Don't be scared Prince. You'll be fine. Don't lose hope, I'm here with you." Ruyi almost cried while talking.

Lean Jian wiped her tears, battling her severe pain he said in a weak voice, "I...I don't..t have much time left. After my demise there is a letter in your jewellery box written by me for you, read that one. And remember one thing, I'll come back to you. I. Love. You. Take...ca...Care of my parents." Warm tears coming out of his eyes.

The King and Queen along with a royal physician busted into the room.

"My son, hold on for some time. We have a royal physician. You'll heal in no time." Sobbing in pain, the Queen continued kissing his hands.

"Mother...let me leave. I can't bear this pain anymore. There is nothing one can do to save me. Let me die peacefully by resting my head on your lap like I used to do when I was a child."

Every word coming out of his mouth was like a stab through her heart, only getting stabbed would've hurt less. She took his head onto her lap and caressed him. The sound of crying grew feeble and Jian found himself in his perfect heaven.

"His heart beat is getting weaker. I apologize my majesty, the Prince only has a few minutes left." The royal physician informed the King with sadness.

The helpless father sat besides his son and kissed him on his forehead. Jian held his father's hand and placed it on his chest. The prolonged pain that used to burn him like a fire inside him started to take its leave from his body like a fume. It all faded away leaving behind only icy numbness.

Black filled out before his vision and the only thing he could hear was his extinguishing heartbeat. He was feeling light now, as there was no pain he could experience. He never thought that death could be so soothing. Jian struggled to open his eyes with his leftover energy and filled his last glance with the people he loved. He smiled, closing his eyes. His fragile heart beating one last time.

Meanwhile, Mi-sook was chanting some spells in front of the fire. An empty pot was placed near her. She threw something into the fire and in no time a black and white shadow came and indwell the pot. Mi-sook quickly shut the pot. A wicked smile appeared on Mi-sook's face.

Everyone in the room bow down before their loving Prince to honour him. The palace echoed with mourning.

"No. No. You can't leave me son." The Queen was shouting in disbelief. She wiped her tears and rushed to Mi-sook.

The Queen entered Mi-sook's chamber and threw herself in front of Mi-sook.

"Please! Do something ! Save my child, I can't live without him," the Queen started begging while crying hysterically.

Mi-sook came to her and made her sit. "Of course, my lady! Like always I can still bring your son back to life. But for this you need to do something for me." She said cunningly while looking at the pot.

"I can do anything but please save my son."

"Alright, then slap yourself," asked Mi-sook.

"How dare you talk to a Queen like this?" said the Queen, fuming in anger.

"Then keep wailing for your son. The echo of your slap is still fresh in my memory therefore, I thought why not give you the taste of your own medicine. You must also know how it feels when somebody slaps you just to liberate their anger. Go ahead, you are running out of time." Mi-sook took a seat smirking.

The Queen felt powerless at that moment. She had to choose between her self-respect and her son.

"Slap is just a mere thing. Even if you would have asked me to give my life I would happily sacrifice my life for my son." The Queen looked at Mi-sook with her puffy eyes and started to slap herself. Her hand cracked across her face and her white porcelain face became red, tears already welling up in her eyes.

"Stop." Mi-sook ordered. "I only asked you for one slap my Queen but you showered slaps on your face. Anyway, you did what I asked, now it's my turn to give back your son."

Mi-sook smiled cunningly and proceeded to do the rituals. She sat on the floor and started to put various ingredients into the fire. The ingredients were actually different body parts of creatures like eyes of frogs, nail of an owl, and feather of eagle and so on. Mi-sook kept putting those body parts inside the fire while chanting some spells. After that she opened her eyes and cut her finger letting a few drops of her blood fall into the fire.

The moment her blood touched the fire, a black fume erupted from it, shattering the black coloured porcelain making its way out, leaving Mi-sook in immense pleasure.

Mi-sook turned around and asked the Queen, "Congratulations My Queen! Go, see your son. It's Prince Jian's new birth."

The Queen rushed back to her son.

"Get ready, the darkness is going to devour you all." Mi-sook thought to herself.

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