29. A Call from the Door of Death

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Princess Ruyi was sitting beside Prince Jian holding his hand and looking at him with her barren eyes. Prince Jian's condition was getting worse day by day. Every time he tried to walk, run or roam around, his body betrayed him.

A sound of gentle tapping of raindrops compelled him to open his eyes.

Darkened grey clouds threateningly surrounded the sky; like a predator would encircle its prey. The rain quenched the soil from sandy hues to rich, strong browns, the kind that brings an inner smile. The summer flowers and leaves drooped under the weight of the droplets, spreading the cool and freshness in the breeze.

Prince Jian gazed at Ruyi and asked, "You love rain?"

"I really love rain. I love rain a lot. Whenever a drop of crystal-clear water appears on my fragile skin, I smile to myself. The rain is something that always stopped my thoughts from buzzing, calmed me but at the same time makes me happy. I used to wait for the rain to wash all of my miseries away. Standing outside I used to stare at the beauty of the upcoming storm and the crying clouds. I always raise my hand and tilt my face towards the sky to feel the water. It appeased me in an unexpected way." Ruyi told Jian while getting lost in a wave of nostalgia.

Jian struggled to wake up from the bed. Ruyi distracted from his move as if she had woken up from a trance.

"What...what are you doing? Are you alright?" Ruyi asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm alright, just help me to get up and take me to the garden area." Jian said in a tired voice.

Ruyi took Jian to the garden area. Jian dismissed all guards around them.

"Why did you order to dismiss the guards?" asked Ruyi.

"Because I want to see my lovely wife dancing in this pouring rain. It would be a treat to my eyes," said Jian with a smile.

Looking at the sky, Ruyi rushed to the garden as if she was waiting for this moment for a long time. She tilted her head to the graphite sky letting the cold water to cover her body. Closing her eyes, she spun around with her hands trying to feel the droplets.

Jian watched silently enjoying the sight of his wife dancing in the rain.

Suddenly, Ruyi started sobbing, hiding her face with her hands. Rain and tears mingled on her face, salty tracks blending into the fresh sky-fallen trickles. Only the pinkness of her eyes gave any clue to her sadness. She quickened her pace towards Jian and hugged him while sobbing.

"What happened my Princess, are you alright?" asked Jian in fear.

Ruyi came to her senses and realised that she was crying. She quickly wiped her tears and said, "I'm fine, it was just a bad thought that plagued my mind and I got scared."

"I know you are worried about my health. It's getting worse day by day. It seems that I don't have much time. I have been feeling weak day by day as if something is drawing my energy. I constantly feel like I'm at death's doorstep and someone calling me inside. Even royal physicians don't have any answer to my disease. I can clearly see what their blank eyes are trying to convey to me," said Jian in a melancholic voice.

Ruyi started to comfort him to think positive even after knowing the truth.

"Don't talk like this, everything will be fine. We should not lose hope, miracles happen every day." Ruyi rested her head on his chest and silently wished for a miracle looking at the beads of water. She knew somewhere that this rain was of her shattered hopes and happiness. Rain might be pouring outside but a rain inside her has already drenched her in pain and its flood would slowly wash away her happiness.

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