Thirty Six

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Even though I am afraid of more of what King Xiang considers fun...I don't think I shall ever feel safer than I do with Emrys holding me close, Kavya and Indra in front of us, Ronin and Bohdi following up the rear, all four of them appearing much fiercer to me now that I can actually make out their faces, Kavya's hair revealed to be a shocking shade of vibrant copper that I hadn't expected that he had explained until recently he had been rinsing with ink much to Ronin's dismay... But now that he's been sworn to me he has been able to stop the habit I had never had the privilege of starting, no need for my guard to be like my husband's. Indra and Bohdi were meant to blend in when needed so that he might not be spotted when traveling outside of the palace... No... I would always be spotted no matter where I wander, my hair too different for me to ever be able to blend myself away... So it's suiting that my guard should not have to blend themselves away either.

For a moment... For a moment I sense the familiarity of the hall that we're in, Emrys's gait quickening when he begins to notice my distress of being in the same hall that also leads to the great ballroom... A place I am very much not well enough to revisit, shivers overtaking me as the smell of roses filters its way to my nose and turns my stomach... My sweet Prince mumbling apologies as he hurries us as quickly as he can while having to support my limpened form before stopping just long enough to dip his arm under my knees so that he might carry me and croon into my hair that had been plaited for my by Ronin as a kindness, his own hands responsible for the maintenance of his own wife's hair.




Watching Rayne have such a visceral reaction just drawing near the ballroom breaks my heart and makes me wish I could circle back over the scorched earth that will forever mark the eternal resting place of the Hirai family and burn the ground until there's nothing left but a crater no bridge would be able to span, the short distance between us and the dining hall hastened, Kavya throwing the door open quick enough for us to have almost caused an even bigger scene he had actually allowed it to slam into the wall as it had tried to do.

While it is refreshing to see that at least some manners still exist in the palace, I do so wish everyone hadn't felt the need to stop eating and stand upon our entry to show respect, the only one continuing to fill his face being my father, ever the glutton, I wish that they would have left well enough alone, my delicate Moon Beam surely already feeling so on display after that traumatizing bout in the hall.

It only speeds me to our seat, my own opulent chair now more centered than it had been the last time I was here, my father having already been slightly shifted... Something he must not have noticed for all of the staff to still be in one piece, a sly smile being parted our way with a curt nod as one of the footmen steps forward to pull it out for me to perch in. The moment we are seated Rayne immediately settles himself on top of me seeking comfort while his shivers work their way out of his system, my gentle croons telling him how safe he is here in my arms doing so little to help my Moon Beam to calm himself... I am almost ready to pull Kavya and Ronin off of the wall where they had fallen into line so that my little shard of starlight might feel safer, their meal to be eaten standing lest they have to jump forward at a moments notice to protect us from whatever onslaught might come our way...Until I look up and find myself able to point out his family as everyone seats themselves, my curious fiancee needing to finally untuck himself from my shoulder so that he might try and see the proud smiles of his parents and his sisters, all of them positively beaming as they give him small waves.

There would be time for them to come over and visit after they've finished eating, something I must insist my bride participate in, his appetite having been small in between doses of the sedative yesterday, only bites of porridge now and then, also upon my insistence, our tasters themselves being the ones to carry our dishes forward, the meal this morning being that of a roasted river fish and all of the trimmings that go with the light dish, their spoons not hesitating to dip themselves into everything while making eye contact with my darling so that he might be sure that it is indeed safe for him to eat.

We wait the allotted time it takes for it to be deemed safe for us to dine, the small pleasant conversation happening between Rayne and the tasters that have thus far been so kind to my beautiful soulmate not going unnoticed by the nobility that currently resides in the palace with our family, Rayne's family and my father as well all raising their eyebrows as Rayne outstretches his hand to give a celebratory squeeze to the hand of the one of the left to congratulate him on the welcoming of his first grandson into the world, his words for the man sweeter than any nectar than has ever graced my tongue.

When they finally part from us I cannot stop myself from first sampling Rayne's mouth, not even the clearing of my father's throat to stop me from slipping my tongue into his mouth to explore the honeyed cavern that always has such kind words for every soul he blesses with his voice, the heated exchange only coming to a close when Rayne has to shift himself on my lap when my chest becomes too hot for him to stand to touch even through our robes, the smile that we share with each other one that I shall forever cherish, this look of happiness much preferable to the look of terror that had washed over him in the hall.

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