Chapter 18 - Circle

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Opening your eyes, you processed everything from the night before.
Everything about him was slowly worsening. He was beginning to act weirder.

Something was wrong. Very wrong.
You had been very adamant about him but still didn't want to give him any more chances.

Taking a deep breath, you looked over at your nightstand. Grabbing the black phone. Saturday, 09:47.

At least, there wasn't any school today.
You got up after a good 10 minutes, grabbing some jeans and an oversized, black hoodie.

Looking in the mirror, a ding from your phone distracted you. You went over and grabbed it.


Yeri: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, wanna go grab some food at the Cafe? 😋😋😋❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️💜💜💕💕💖💖💝💓💓💞💞💗💗💖💖💋❤️❤️😍😍☺️😜😜😜☺️🐷🐷

You sighed at the overuse of emojis. Ever since she realized they existed, you'd get way too many emojis from her.

You: Sure, I'll meet you there

You put the phone in your pocket.
Saying your goodbyes, you walked outside the front door.

A weird feeling had you stop. That gut feeling of needing to check on something. Directing your vision on the forest, you walked towards it.

Realizing you were right, when you looked to the left.

Taehyung sleeping on the doorstep,  up against the white wood door.
The same place he was several hours ago. Not wanting to wake him up, you stepped back.


You sped up. Every time you swore him off, you'd come running to him. Not wanting it to happen again, you tried to ignore him.
"Y/N, please listen to me." He ran in front of you.

"J-just wait. I want you to hear me out." His trembling voice made you look him in the eyes. Red and puffy.
You closed your eyes for a moment to decide.

"Be quick."
"I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have yelled at you. I scared you..." He hesitated, not knowing what to say.
"Listen, I need to be somewhere right now and maybe you should go home."
You walked past him, leaving him alone.

A part of was of you was sad to do this, but another part you knew this was the right choice to make for the both of you.

Otherwise, it'd end up in a circle, like it always did:

You do something friendly to him.
He messes everything up.
You swear to stay away from him.
You got a short break from him.
He comes running back and apologizes.
You forgive him and decide to be friends again.

And before you realize it, you repeat the circle again, and again.
It wasn't healthy.


Entering the small Cafe, you looked around for Yeri. There wasn't a lot of people there.
Finally spotting her sitting down, you waved and she waved right back.

In front of her was a black tray of food. You walked to her, sitting down.
"It's so good to see you. I missed you." She pouted.

End of Chapter 18.

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