Chapter 24 - Escape Pt 2

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You looked to your left and spotted a pipe. It came from the roof and ended at the bottom. It didn't seem to be a very strong one, but you hoped it would be strong enough to hold all the way to the bottom, and if it didn't: You were utterly fucked.

If you could get to it, everything would be way easier, but then again, one slip up and Y/N is history.

Pushing the raging anxiety back inside your head, it was safe to say you'd rather be pregnant with Tae's baby than fall 15 floors and get squashed like a cockroach but fate had determined already.

Regretting the impulsive choice, you pushed yourself backwards but to no avail. You were stuck.
Everything was fucking up.

Closing your eyes and trying to get a stable breath, not wanting panick to take control over the situation.
"Don't panick. You don't need Taehyung's help. You can do this." Encouraging yourself was the best thing to do.

Pushing your frame forwards, getting a proper grip on the sill and managing to stand up and the sill.
The confidence grew stronger and stronger.

The silver Grey pipe was only a few windows away. You'd only have to jump from sill to sill and of course, pray.
'Don't worry, Y/N. It's only 15 floors if you fall.'

The next window was approximately 1 meter (3 ft. 3 inches.) away.
One quick jump was all it took.
This wasn't a moment to give up.
You glared the window in determination, not wanting to let go.

Putting one leg in front of the other, bowing the knees and taking a small step back, and jump.

You did it.

What should've have felt like a few seconds, was an eternity. Looking over the big city, down to the half empty streets, the skyscrapers dark apartments, the noices from the vecicles, drunk people, dogs barking. Everything was suddenly so much clearer.

Maybe it was your imagination exaggerating every single thing around you, but it didn't really matter, the adrenaline was stronger than ever.

Doing the same thing again, you reached the next window, and then the next and one again, and again, and again, completely losing count of the windows.

Before jumping again, your eyes rested on the pipe. It was right in front of you. It was bigger than you'd expected it to be and the things that seemingly held it all together was a bunch of screws.

Placing your foot on a screw between the pipe and brick wall, you slowly climbed down, keeping your eyes on the metal in front of you, not wanting to realize how far up you were and fall down. As the wild adrenaline shot started to exit the blood vessels, your sweaty hand clammed themselves to the pipe. Everytime you took a step down, the pipe resounded through your whole body.

After what probably was an hour, you finally found the nerve to look down.
The ground was right below, with a trashcan just 2 meters under you.
Overjoyed, you didn't notice your feet losing grip.
Not noticing it, you slipped and fell butt first down into the overflowing trashcan.

End of chapter 24.
I sincerely apologize for the delay with this chapter but it's probably also going to be like this for a while.
The whole virus situation has been a lot for me to mentally handle. I try my best to help and I hope you do too. I hope you understand and thank you for reading this. Take care of yourself😊

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