Chapter 28 - Alex

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"Sooo, how have you been doing lately?" The awkwardness in his tone was clear, at least the noise from the soldiers around you made it less unbearable.

"Nothing much."
"Uh, Okay."
"Does Mark always get lost like this?"
"Yeah, he doesn't really think about his actions and just does whatever."

He chuckled lightly, slowly getting more comfortable.
It was weird seeing him in military uniform, all mature and grown.
Only 1 year ago, he was more childish than you had ever been.

The type of child to angrily stomp his feet on the ground when things didn't go the way he wanted to, the type to imitate you just for the sake of annoyance.

Yeah, Alex had grown a lot in the span of a year. The uniform did suit him perfectly after all.
When it came to his face, it'd make sense to have a crush on him but at that time, his personality was different.
Now he had matured, things were different, much different.

'Maybe a single date wouldn't hurt.'

A sudden hand on your shoulder pulling you back had you stop.
You stood in front of the dorms again, almost exactly the same place you stood before.

"Wanna go inside for minute? I need to use the toilet. You could see my room in the meantime." He stepped in front of you.
A quite nod as affirmative had Alex walking inside the hallway.

The only sound came from his black kombat boots and the muffled mumbling behind the closed doors, you steadily followed behind Alex, not wanting to get lost, recalling the rumors about military your oldest brother, Seojoon, had told you about when he'd been in the military.

To say the least, a young teenage girl probably shouldn't risk walking around the massive military base alone. Hopefully, growing up with 5 brothers and being in so many sports clubs would be at your benefit.

A light push to your shoulder sent you back to reality. Standing in front of the room, his finger pointed towards the bottom of a bunk bed to the left.
"You can sit there and wait. I'll be back shortly." before a chance of responding, he had already dissappeared.

Carefully walking over to the bed, you sat down. The whole room was empty, only two bunk beds on each side of the small room with two small metal dressers on each side. At the feet of the beds and one at the head.

As you tapped your finger on the hard mattress, your eyes averted back and fourth the dull room. The only light excited from the window.
A thousand words came to mind when you thought about a way to describe the dorm room but definitely not the word cozy, rather scary if you were honest.

So when a door closing and the heavy footsteps returned, your eyes lit up and almost like an instinct, you sprung up and walked out the door, hoping to maybe ask and set up a 'hangout' with Alex.

Not really expecting anyone else, already sure of it being Alex.


End of chapter 28.

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