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After the whole shenanigan, Seokjin found the photo and showed everyone. Despite the reflection clearly showing a man whom Seokjin claimed to be his boyfriend, many of the boys still stayed suspicious of Seokjin. After all, they were all complete strangers and their one goal was to find the mole, having no definitive trust amongst themselves meant that anybody could be lying.

Even so, Seokjin continued to protest against their claims and soon enough the spotlight wasn't shun so brightly on him. That didn't mean he was free from any doubts, however.

They talked for a bit after and tried to become comfortable with one another, and gradually the darkness of the evening soon fell over the sky. The sound of a stomach growl was a reminder that it was time to eat.

"Oh shit, sorry I'm hungry as fuck." Jungkook said aloud, rubbing his stomach. Everyone looked at him in amazement, wondering how such a noise could beckon from a belly like his.

"That was loud, what the fuck Jungkook." Yoongi spat. "How hungry are y-" Then a grumble released from his stomach. "I-"

They all laughed. "Oh my, Yoongi! Guess you're hungry too!" Hoseok giggled and Yoongi shook his head whilst hiding his face into his palms. The embarassment was too much, especially when he remembered this was all going to be on television for the nation to see. Yoongi's stomach couldn't help itself.

Seokjin stood up and both Namjoon and Jimin followed suit. "Well, that's a sign for us to make some food right, boys and girls?" He asked rhetorically, expecting Namjoon and Jimin to chime with agreement considering how they stood up with him.

Instead, Namjoon... Well he instead was Namjooning.

"Yes and no. We all identify as males so there are no girls here, but indeed we should make some food! I'm starving..."

Jungkook sulked at the comment. There were definitely no girls here and that made him sob internally.

Jimin pinched Namjoon's cheeks after hearing his response. "No... Not literally, Namjoonie. He just meant it as a wake up phrase and a rhetorical. You're so cute sometimes." He poked his dimples and this only erupted more bubbles into his lil belly.

Namjoon shook his head. "You're cuter, what do you mean?" And the two began fighting over who was cuter, whilst displaying an array of adorableness each time they spoke. Everyone watched it all unfold, all crying in jealousy over their very fast bond.

"No. You!" Jimin laughed so hard a squeak could be heard. This punctured Namjoon's heart even more.

"Did you just squeak? Oh my gosh, cutie!"

They went about it for a good minute, only to be stopped by Hoseok's hands. "Namjoon." He faced him. "Jimin." He then faced the younger. "You're both cute and I wanna squish you guys up!!!" Hoseok pouted and brought them into a warm group hug where they bounced around and rotated anti-clockwise.

Yoongi sneakily climbed in and fell into the embrace, while Taehyung and Jungkook just stared at each other in confusion. "They are weird." Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

"Right." Taehyung nodded. "Wanna hear something weirder?"

Jungkook tilted his head, intentive to what Taehyung was about to say. "What?" He asked.

"It's weird how my dick isn't in you yet~" He winked and Jungkook choked on the comment. Jungkook did NOT expect him to say something so vulgar to him, considering how the cameras were still rolling and the mics were still recording. Oh, and let's not forget Jungkook literally had no attraction to guys whatsoever. This was just a cringe fest and he almost pitied Taehyung for flirting with him, not knowing Jungkook was the straight mole.

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