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She could tell by the look on his face that he was unhappy. Even when he tried to hide it, she could see the frustration in his expression as he walked down the hillside toward her home. The furrow in his brow, his thin lips pressed tightly together, and his uncharacteristically stiff movement in his shoulders as he marched her way, joined by T'Challa and Okoye. The other Dora Milaje followed close behind, their chins up and movements full of authority and professionalism, like good soldiers. 

Ava bit her lip, looking at her friend as the group came to stand in front of her. She could have been sick right then and there watching Everett Ross approach her so angry, knowing this could be the last time she ever saw Bucky Barnes. The clouds in the sky seemed to spin and the grass wobbled, and Ava had to take a deep breath to ground herself, digging her heels into the dirt. The goats stamped and wandered around in the grass behind her, munching on grass and butting heads with each other. Bucky was locked inside, waiting there out of sight until Ava was ready to introduce him to Ross. 

"Everett Ross." She smiled a little bit, hoping he would consider their friendship before ripping into her. T'Challa  had prepared him, telling him what they had done to protect and help Bucky since he had been brought there so many months before. He knew everything, he just hadn't had a chance to meet Bucky and see it for himself. Ross was fuming, face red and shoulders broad. He felt a bit betrayed- lied to, even, by the people he considered friends. Bucky had been there when Ross was helping them fight Killmonger and they kept it hidden from him. They'd told him they had no more secrets to hide from him. "It's good to see you again."

A cross expression spread throughout his face, one that seemed offended and disappointed. A look that sent her heart into her stomach and into her throat all at the same time. They were friends, and now he seemed... ashamed of her. "Cut the niceties." He said, voice firm and flat. "I want to see Barnes."

She shook her head despite the overwhelming feeling coming over her, lighting her skin on fire and making her brow sweat. "Not until we talk-" She said, attempting to keep her voice from trembling.

"I don't want to talk to you, Ava." Ross quickly cut her off. "I want to talk to Barnes. He is supposed to be in my custody for evaluation and extradition for his crimes. It's my job, and it needs to come before our friendship. He is a wanted criminal and a dangerous enhanced."

"Your job didn't seem to come first when you helped us win back our home from Killmonger." Her voice was steady again, to her surprise, and the stinging in her eyes and waves inside her chest were changing from fear and sorrow into that of defense and frustration. "Bucky isn't dangerous. We removed any Hydra programming from his mind. Whatever the Winter Soldier did, it wasn't Bucky. Hydra had control of his mind- wiped his memories and brainwashed him into their own personal weapon. Bucky Barnes is a Howling Commando, War hero, and a prisoner of war. He is under my protection." Her teeth clenched together, fists tight at her sides as she spoke, a crease between her brows.

Their eyes were locked on each other. On they stared, trying to look through each other and see what their motive was. Tension was high, and neither one was prepared to lower their hackles quite yet. "You are sleeping with him, aren't you? That's why you care so much what happens to him." Ross, correctly, accused.

T'Challa's lips parted as he was about to intervene, but noted Ava's response. Her jaw dropped and a fire blazed behind her eyes, bringing heat up her neck and into her cheeks. How dare he say that to her? How dare he mock her in front of the king and his guard- her friends and acquantances. "My relationship has nothing to do with this. He is a human being and deserves to be treated as such. His little sister just passed away and he deserves to be at that funeral." Only now did her steady voice begin to quiver with each word that fell past her lips. "The only way that can happen is if you help us. Please, Ross. You are his only hope at starting a normal life." She shot her finger forward, pointing it at his face as she stepped a single pace closer, eyes flaming with so much anger it was miraculous smoke didn't come pouring out of her. 

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