2: All might saved the day ..

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Just 4 reads in 3 days that's kinda sad ... but that wouldn't stop me from updating though. Hope you enjoy this chapter.


Ikuyu had been sitting at the park for almost an hour maybe two, he had no idea. It was slowly getting dark now, he pulled out his phone, there was a new notification on the Hero watcher app which doubled as the news app. It was an inbuilt app in every smartphone now, normally he would just ignore the notifications, checking the app only maybe once a month or so but for some reason he decided to open it.

"GREEN HAIRED QUIRKLESS BOY JUMPS INTO THE SCENE OF A VILLAIN ATTACK TO SAVE HIS FRIEND, ALL MIGHT COMES AND SAVES THE DAY." The title of the article read, he didn't even need to open the article to know it was talking about Izuku, but who did he Jump in to save, Ikuyu wondered, he was worried for his brother but since almighty was there then that definitely meant that he was fine.

He clicked on the article and scrolled down, not even caring to read it, he would rather hear it from Izuku, he scrolled and scrolled until he Finally found the picture of the captured victim, his eyes almost gauged out of his sockets when he saw the picture of Izuku and Katsuki standing there surrounded by heroes. Under the picture, something was written along the lines of Izuku being scolded for being careless and Bakugou being praised for his bravery and strong quirk.

On one hand, Ikuyu was already feeling guilty for acting like a bully to Bakugou, even though he felt like he deserved it, and he felt bad because seeing the time it was evident that the sludge villain attacked him just moments after he left making things going from bad to worst and seriously injuring his ego but on the other hand he felt somehow angered because it was Izuku who showed bravery and went in to help and yet he was the one getting reprimanded while Bakugou got praised for something he had no hand in.

Ikuyu tugged at the hair tie, unravelling his bun and putting it back into his pocket with his left hand while ruffling his hair with his right. It was time to go home now, and now that he was not in a fit of frustration, he actually cared about being spotted in a bun, he believed it didn't suit him, which was strange because 1. He was wrong, and, 2. He actually didn't care much about what the people thought of him.

His walk home took approximately 5 minutes, he was only a turn away from his home when someone came in front of him out of nowhere.

"I am here !" The stranger said, a muscular figure outlined along with mysterious smoke or fog.

Ikuyu recognised the voice immediately having heard it every day his entire life, " All might ?!" He said in shock and surprise.

The smoke cleared, and in front of him stood the number 1. Hero in flesh and bone, he almost couldn't believe his eyes. Then all of a sudden his body shrink, degenerating to an almost starved skeleton, his super suit hanging loosely on his body, he was spitting blood.

Ikuyu's surprises changed into concern, " All might? What happened to you? Are you alright ?" He asked.

All might raised his head slowly, saying, "Young Midoriya, I- " He immediately stopped when he saw Ikuyu, "Wait, your not young Midoriya, I mean you look like him but you're not him!" He blurted out, his eyes wide in horror, he couldn't believe he revealed his weakened form in front of two people on the same day.

Ikuyu was still very much concerned about all might but now he was also curious as to what did he have to do with his brother, " You must be looking about my twin Izuku Midoriya, I'm his brother Ikuyu Midoriya." He clarified.

Before either of them could say anything else, Ikuyu heard Bakugou around the corner, he was saying something to Izuku. Ikuyu gestured all might to wait and went round the corner. Correct to his guess, he found Bakugou and Izuku standing there.

"- How dare a quirkless failure like you pity me. Trying to win me over ?! Don't you dare mock me!!" Bakugou said.

"Oye! You should be thankful you ungrateful arrogant shit head, at least he tried to save you unlike your minions, who left you and ran away. " Ikuyu interjected.

Bakugou looked at him and scoffed before turning around and walking away muttering, "stupid nerds." As he walked away.

Izuku turned around to face Ikuyu, confused about the minion thing " He's right though, I couldn't do anything, I couldn't change anything, but still... I'm glad. Now I can finally focus on a more realistic future." He said as he looked at his shoes.

"Oh shut up fanboy and hurry up over here, All Might is waiting in line to talk to you." Ikuyu grinned. Suspiciously, Izuku's face didn't glow like a 100-megawatt bulb, it glowed a bit, but not as much as he expected.

Izuku walked around the corner to meet his hero, he panicked the moment he saw him in his weaker form, " Ikuyu, I-i don't see all might here. Maybe he left. " He frantically said trying to cover up his current state from his brother.

"Calm down kid, he already knows." All might said.

"He knows ?!" He turned to all might, confusion was written all over his face.

"Yes, there had been a mix-up." He explained, his voice filled with embarrassment.

"Oh, it's okay, it happens all sometimes. " Izuku shrugged.

"So, what did you want to tell me all might ?" He asked.

"Young Midoriya, I am here to apologise for what I said earlier, it was your heroic courage that pushed me to break my limits and regain my hero form. I was wrong young Mydoriya, you can be a hero too."


A lot had happened in the last few hours, Izuku went from a hopeless quirkless boy standing at the edge of his school terrace, ready to jump, to being the future successor to the number 1. Hero. Bakugou went from being an unchecked bully to a boy with a severely hurt ego, and Ikuyu, well, he was just proud and happy for his brother but he was also guilt-ridden for his anger outburst, but he could happily live with the guilt if it was for Izuku.

Izuku still hadn't told him what exactly Bakugou had hone, but for once Ikuyu was willing to wait. As he lay on his bed, hearing Izuku's even breath in his peaceful sleep, he couldn't help himself from thinking about what he had challenged Bakugou about Izuku, a smile graced his lips, with his dedication and hard work, along with All Might's support and guidance, Izuku would definitely become the number one hero, he believed in him, even when their own mother didn't, Ikuyu believed in him and he would never stop believing in him. But that didn't mean he'll stop worrying about him or trying to protect him, that was impossible. With all this going in his head, Ikuyu Midoriya finally fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Not very far away, a certain ash blond-haired boy was lying sleepless on his bed, a boy going by the name of Bakugou Katsuki. Today his ego was harmed by the two people he looked down on the most, the Midoriya twins, he wanted to forget this day and yet, he couldn't stop his mind from going back to one of the twins. He couldn't stop his head from replaying that one scene from today on repeat. The scene where he was pinned up against the wall by a certain greenhead shorter than him.

He couldn't remove the picture of those flaming green eyes staring into his, burning into his soul, the tiny fire embers he breathed out like a tiny green dragon. He hated that guy, but more than that he hated himself for thinking that the tiny green dragon looked attractive, for wanting to drown in those emerald pools that were his eyes. But most of all, he hated himself for wishing that he wore his hair up more often, for thinking that the look suited him, for hoping he gets to see his face without being obstructed by his hair more often.

He hated Ikuyu Midoriya but for tonight he was going to hate himself too, for not being utterly repulsed by him like he should be, just for one night before he started to think about ways to get back at him for what he did.


1440 words

I'm planning to update every three days, anyway I hope you liked this chapter, please do vote, comment and share.

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