8: Something about Beaches and us.

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"But I wanna go for a night run with you too." Izuku whined.

"No way Izuku, you just fought actual real villain at school, is that not enough for you, recovery girl told you to rest so that's what you're going to do." Ikuyu said as he sat down and tied his trainers.

"Please Iku, don't leave me then." Izuku pouted.

"You're staying and resting and you're not stopping me from going on my run. Or, do you want me to tell mom about your hero battle training with Bakugou." Ikuyu smirked.

"Fine! I just went through a near death experience and you're leaving me alone!" Izuku crossed his arms and pouted like a kid.

"Oh God! Izu I'm not leaving you alone, mom's right there in the kitchen, why don't you try helping her out. It's better than you think." Ikuyu said and closed the door.

Once on the street, Ikuyu started running down their usual running route. He was still mostly the same lazy fellow he used to be but he loved running now, especially when he needed to loosen up and ease his mind. Today was especially one of those times because of the Villain attack at the USJ. It had shaken up almost everyone, Ikuyu wasn't even there but the thought that he could have lost his brother had still disturbed him to say the least.

He increased his speed a little, the wind blowing on his face and through his hair making his ponytail fly as he ran. His heart beat going wild as his feet thumped over the cemented path. These sensations let his mind loose, removing every strand of worry wound around his brain.

Halfway through their normal route he didn't feel like using it anymore, he took some random turns, since he was good with remembering and retracing his routes he didn't have to worry about getting lost. Before long he realised that his feet were leading him to the beach, somewhere on the same strip of beach where he ended up after his fight with Izuku.

Few more meteres and he was running on the beach sand. He stopped and inhale the cold salty sea breeze. The air had a strange sense of tranquillity there. That did not last long as his ears started picking up sounds of explosions going off continously one after the other. He had a solid guess as to what or rather who it might be, even the though of him was something he tried to avoid just to keep himself from ruining his mood but this time for some unknown reason he started to walk, not away but towards the direction of the noise.

His guess hit right on the bullseye, he didn't have to walk for a long time before he could make out the shape of a boy with his head full of spikes, explosions shooting out of his hands as he compleatly destroyed random articles arranged around him like targets. The closer he got the more details he could see, like how he was shirtless, how the moonlight shone on his sweaty body making it gleam and sparkle, like how he was heaving and how worn out and exhausted his body actually looked.

Bakugou was so tired and focused that he didn't even see Ikuyu's slowly approaching form, his eyes were already getting blurry, his breathing heavier that ever, his shoulders and elbow joints aching with the force from the continuous explosions he was creating. His legs were starting to get unsteady, his body feeling unanturaly heavy, he should have stopped a long time but he didn't want to and now he had already worn his body to its limits.

He created one last explosions, his tired body not able to handle it's backlash, he felt his body falling back and there was nothing he could do to stop it, he waited for the feeling of the sand rub painfully over his skin, already tender from his nitroglycerin sweat but that feeling never came. What he felt instead was two arms wrapping around his body and his head hitting something that clearly wasn't the sandy beach floor, then he passed out.

Ikuyu held Bakugou in his arms, his mind rushing over what he should fo now. First of all, he needed to lay him down but he couldn't just lay him on the sand, seeing how red his back was, it would probably hurt like hell and his shirt was no where to be found. Ikuyu sighed as he decided to go ahead with the only idea he could think of.

I am no Hero ! (Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now