5: Cooking and not crushing on the bully.

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For the next nine months, Izuku made Ikuyu train with him, more like tried to make him train him. He somehow was able to make him in join him in his morning runs regularly and actually make him like running and that worked very well with his poor endurance but that was all. The training session mostly had Izuku training and Ikuyu just sitting there or looking through his phone, reading fanfictions or writing.

After 9 months while Izuku had done a complete 180, Ikuyu was still more or less the same. He had better stamina and because of Izuku's annoying persistence he did train his quirk a little making it not hurt him as bad as he did and minimising the backlash considerably but body wise he was still the same.

While he could have lost his fat rolls and he did, just not all of it, he just took the excuse of burning calories to stuff his face with more food, both healthy and junk, but then to be fair changing his body wasn't something he was aiming for or had in mind. It was supposed to be more of a sibling bonding thing and it worked.

The months passed by like a blur and soon it was time for the entrance exams.

Ikuyu woke up about half an hour before his alarm was set to go off, Izuku was already gone, they had already talked it out, he was going to meet him at the exam centre. He got up, brushed and showered almost mechanically, his head was already occupied by the exam. Even as he got dressed he frantically read through his notes for one last time.

He was nervous, not just nervous, it was the first time he was this nervous. It was the first time he was going to do something for his passion for writing and he had a chance to actually learn from the writer he admired so much. This mattered to him, this entrance mattered a lot to him.

Once he was done dressing up he went out of the room for breakfast. Inko was in the kitchen just starting to prepare the food.

"Ikuyu, you're early?" His mother blurted out. She really was getting a lot of surprises. First the exercise and now this, it was hard to believe. Ikuyu was a lazy bean, even though the training, every day Izuku had to drag him out of bed forcefully.

"Uh, I guess, can I help you cook breakfast?" He asked.

"Oh sure sweetie, can you mix the ingredient for the tamagoyaki." She gestured to the bowl lying on the counter with eggs lying.

While Ikuyu being early was a rare sight, him helping his mother with cooking wasn't, he liked it, though he didn't know how to cook, he still liked helping around in the kitchen, it calmed him.

Ikuyu mixed the ingredients for the tamagoyaki while his mother took out the cooked rice. After that, Ikuyu peacefully watched her delicately roll the egg layer by layer making a perfectly shaped tamagoyaki, he couldn't even imagine how she made it so perfectly. Inko offered him to try making one, Ikuyu declined, he had tried it once and made a terrible mess. Once the rolls were done, the mother and son duo sat together and made rice balls.

"All ready for the entrance exam ?" Inko asked as they sat eating their breakfast together.

"I think I am, but I'm feeling jittery, I don't think I've ever been this nervous for any other exam," Ikuyu replied.

"It's just because you've prepared so much, don't worry, you're going to be amazing, and you will definitely get into UA." She laid an assuring hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft smile.

"I hope I do, And Izuku too, he's worked really hard for this." Ikuyu smiled, he picked both his mother and his own bowl and took it to the kitchen, they were done eating.

"I wish that too. I still wish I had been more supportive of him. He is so determined, going to the try for the Hero course even without a quirk." Inko entered the room with the dirty serving plates, she had tears in her eyes.

I am no Hero ! (Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now