23: Walking Home, Meeting Moms

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All of you who grew up watching Shin-chan or atleast saw some episodes of it give me a cheer! (JK. You don't have to and you'll know the reason when you start reading)

Before we start this chapter I would like to thank you all for the 300+ votes. I love you all so so much! I never though that any story of mine could ever cross even 50 votes but here we are and it's all because of you all!

I'm not going to waste any more of your time. Let's get on to the chapter now!


Bakugou hadn't had many crushes before now, most of the time he didn't even realise it until after he grew out of it or it went away in no time. None of his crushes had ever gotten as bad or as far as his crush on Ikuyu. It had gotten to the point that it made him think that maybe it was something more than just a crush and he hated it. He hated the way it made him feel like his heart was literally getting crushed, or the way it made him second guess everything he said and yet made him do or say the most dumbest stupid things without a second thought, like right now.

He was standing outside the 1-C dorm, ready to press the door bell and he was already starting to doubt himself, should he press it or should he just wait outside and wait for Ikuyu, was this really a good idea. Should he just run away. He shook his head, this was his idea and he wasn't going to back out of it now.
Bakugou and Ikuyu were friends now, they texted quite often and all that but they barely ever got to spend time together since they were in different classes and dorms. They only ever saw each other when they accidentally crossed paths while going to or coming back from school or during the lunch but even then they had their own friends with them to accompany, they couldn't just ditch them for each other.

After gathering a lot of courage Bakugou finally asked Ikuyu to hang out with him on any day of the weekend only to find out that Ikuyu was going home for the weekend. Izuku wasn't though and so Bakugou decided to suggest that they could go back together since they lived in the same area. It seemed like a great idea at that time but he could feel the nervousness catching up now.

He pressed the door bell and door was opened by a black haired boy wearing a red t-shirt and a big smile, "ohoooo we have been graced by the presence of our famous hero course student, Bakugou Katsuki. What brings you here?" He said in a teasing tone, you'd think he was being rude except there wasn't a hint of malice in his voice.

"I'm here for Ikuyu. Are you going to call him you extra." Bakugou grumbled.

"Oye .. don't call me an extra, you don't have to be so rude, you're acting like Kazama-kun. Come in, come in, I've already told my sister to tell him about you. I'm Shinnosuke Nohara by the way." He moved aside from the doorway to let him in.

Bakugou entered reluctantly, 'He was talking to me, how did he already tell his sister ?'Bakugou wondered, 'maybe he had a telepathic quirk.' He guessed, who was he to ask, he didn't want to associate with anyone beyond what he absolutly had to.

"Hey .. aren't you suppose to introduce yourself in return! Aye! Don't ignore me." Shinosuke whined.

"Why do I have to introduce myself if you already know who I am!" Bakugou yelled back.

"It's called being courteous, Bakugou-kun!" Shinnosuke started poking his index fingers together while pouting.

"No its not you dumbass!" Bakugou replied, already feeling annoyed by the black haired boy.

"Wahh, you hurt my feelings"

Bakugou was about to say something in return when he was distracted by the sound of footsteps approaching them. He turned towards the direction of the sound to find Ikuyu walking towards them, he was dressed in a cute white sweatshirt covered with pokemon doodles and inky blue jeans along with his signature boots but with white laces, carrying his school bag. (Fact: Ikuyu owns a vast collection of shoelaces and since he only ever wears black boots he likes to keep changing them to match his OOTD)

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