13: The UA Pool

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I need to stop writing chapers taking place near water bodies...


Ikuyu should have been writing right now, there exams had ended, just the day before he had made a much needed trip to the stationary shop and bought new notebooks to store ideas and the black gel pens that he loved writing with, he even restocked on that fruity flavoured tea that got his creativity flowing when he was down with writers block. He had every thing ready, he really should have been writing but here he was instead playing a slightly competitive game of ball in the UA pool with the girls from class 1-A. 

Not like he was complaining though, he was having a great time. He got to enjoy playing with girls and also watch the guys doing endurance training in the pool, what more could he ask for. They were Hero course students and there toned bodies lived up to the title, it was a sight for his sore eyes, he was after all deep down a thirsty teenager boy who swung all ways. 

How did he end up in this position? Well that happened purely because of Izuku, the twins had plans for an all day hero movies marathon together when Kaminari and Mineta knocked at there door asking Izuku to join them for endurance training at the school swimming pool. Izuku initially declined since both of them had been looking forward to this day but they weren't taking no for an answer. Izuku did agree after some persuasion and guilt tripping about permission issues but he felt bad for ditching Ikuyu so he dragged him along, that again took a lot of persuasion but they were finally there. It was only going to be Mineta and Kaminari but Izuku had the amazing idea to invite everyone else and while the other two hated him for that, Ikuyu was really thankful. 

What Ikuyu found to be the best and worst part was that Bakugou wasn't there, there should have been a yet in the sentence but Ikuyu couldn't forsee that. The best beacuse since he wasn't there it didn't make him feel awkward or tensed and worst beacuse as much as he wanted to deny it, shirtless dripping Bakugou wasn't a sight anyone would want to miss, including him. 

He was snapped out his thoughts by Mina warning him about the ball heading in his direction, his reaction time wasn't too bad and he managed to hit it on time, it landed on the oppositions waters giving them the winning point. Uraraka, Mina and Ikuyu shared high fives with each other, Ikuyu didn't need to look around to feel Mineta and Kaminari's intense glare on his back. He knew why, but that knowledge didn't make him feel any less uncomfortable. 

On the the other side, Bakugou entered the pool area followed closely by Kirishima. "Sorry I'm late, it took a long time to convince Bakugou to come." He announced, gathering everyone's attention while Bakugou grumbled, something about being here because of his mother. 

Ikuyu turned around at the sound the exact moment Bakugou noticed his presence, there eyes met from across the pool and a shiver ran through both of them. They've been avoiding each other for so long hoping the strange things they refused to acknowledge would somehow go away and yet it was almost like they ere there with doubled intensity, almost hitting them like a train. Ikuyu's belly was doing back flips and summer saults now, his throat went dry. Bakugou was feeling things too, the sudden warmth and the abnormality in his heart beat. For a moment things just melted away and they were back to the cursed unforgettable moment they shared in the washroom. There was distance between them but in there heads they were back to being inches apart. It's flashed in front of them, the reminiscence of each others breaths on there faces, the soft brush of there lips.

Iida's voice thanking Bakugou for joining him snapped them out of there daze and they immediately looked away, the eye contact barely lasted a second but it felt like an eternity had passed between them as they stood lost in there eyes. 

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