16: A rescue and A hug

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Hey everyone, look I made a moodboard for this fanfic...

I don't have much experience making these but I hope it looks nice (couldn't get rid of the app watermark tho

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I don't have much experience making these but I hope it looks nice (couldn't get rid of the app watermark tho... 😔)

Anyway .. on with the chapter now!


Ikuyu stood with his back to the wall, his hands covering his mouth, his legs shivering and his body compleatly petrified in fear. He was panting hard and his heart was pounding so vigorously he felt like it could jump out of his throat. Beside him were Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishima and Yaoyorozu, all in similar stages of shock and fear.

He was dressed in a pastel pink suit with no tie and a black shirt with  a floral print shirt under it, his hair was done up in a a bun and a pair of round Harry potterish glasses rested on his nose. Kirishima had been hell bent on disguising him too so he could 'blend in', even though he kept on pointing out that he wasn't as recognisable as the rest of them and no one knew him.

After finishing their disguises they had made there way to Bakugou's supposed location at Kamino ward. They had expected to find a dingy villain hideout with a tied up Katsuki, not a dingy warehouse that doubled as a Nomu factory/storage unit. They had thought that their rescue mission ended there, they were at the wrong location, they couldn't find Bakugou they should leave it to the Pros. They clearly hadn't expected the league of villains and the Heroes getting teleported there or witnessing Best Jeanist going down with a shot in the stomach. The sight that made their eyes bulge and their blood run cold.

For the third time Ikuyu second guessed why he was even there. Yeah sure, he had reasoned that he came to look over Izuku but he hadn't really thought it out. He wasn't a Hero course student, he didn't know shit about combat and strategy and planning and if worst came to worst and they had to fight or flee, Ikuyu would only hinder them and be in there way. Why was he even there, wasn't it just because on  his concern for Bakugou and Izuku was too much to let him stay back and didn't that make him just as dumb, impulsive and reckless as he called his brother.

They could only see villains and Heroes but no sight of Katsuki Bakugou. He wasn't there, at least that was what they thought until they heard him coughing and yelling. Ikuyu felt a tiny ray of hope in himself. Maybe something could be done and they could get Bakugou out of there.

He was sure that neither the Pros nor the members of the league had noticed there presence yet. Multiple things started flooding into his head at once. He took one glance at Izuku, he had a stern calculating look on his his face, one that Ikuyu himself was probably sporting at the moment, he had a feeling that he was thinking of the same thing.

Izuku raised his head, breaking out of his thoughts for a moment and his eyes met his brother's and for the first time in a really long time, he felt like their minds were in the same wavelength even without sharing any words, of course, being on the same wavelength didn't exactly make them telepathic, someone had to speak.

I am no Hero ! (Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now