15: A train ride and a hospital visit

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Before we start the chapter I would like to thank all of you  for the 1k reads. 1 fucking k.. thus is the first time anyone my stories has reached that landmark and I'm just so damn happy. It's your support that keeps me writing ❤.


Ikuyu walked out of the writing camp avenue with a happy smile on his face, the last day of the camp had been absolutely amazing, not only was his story greatly appreciated but he also received a fair share of pointers and creative criticism. He somehow felt more accomplished than before, he felt like he had grown as a writer. He felt so happy he was beaming but unfortunately, his high was not ment to last.

He pulled out his phone to call his mother, she had texted him this morning, telling him to call her once the camp was done. Ikuyu found nothing out of normal since his their mother often demanded regular calls whenever they were out somewhere.

Ikuyu pressed the call buttion, it took a moment for it to connect and his mother received it on the first ring. "Hello mo-" Ikuyu started to greet but was immediately interrupted by his mother's voice.

"Ikuyu, did your writing  camp end? Are you okay ?" Her voice sounded frantic and desperate, her tone worried him.

"Yeah mom, I'm compleatly fine, what could have happened to me. Is everything alright?" He asked, he felt something twist in his belly, he had a feeling something terribly wrong had happened.

No reply came from Inko Midoriya other than a hesitant sound that made no sense at all. It was like she wanted to say somethings but had no idea how to phrase it. It only made him more worried, his mind jumping to the worst case scenarios. Sadly, they weren't very far away from reality.

"Did something happen at Izuku's training camp?" He asked, his chest already filling with dread and he hadn't even heard it yet. 

"Yes-" Inko choaked out a response, "- there was a villain attack at the camp, Izuku is in the hospital with another one of the students. The teachers are saying that he hasn't woken up yet but that's only because of the accelerated healing and he's going to be fine. And the league of villains- they took away Katsuki. "

He stopped walking and stood rooted on his spot, his heart beat almost stopping for a moment, a tiny gasp escaping from his lips as his mouth hung open, he slowly raised his unoccupied hand to cover it. His brain unable to comprehend the words for some time. That peice of information hit him like a brick, leaving him stunned.

"Where are they now? I want to go to Izuku, I need to see him!"

"The place is just an hour long train ride away. I will send you the hospital address. "

"Okay mom, a-and how is Mitsuki Auntie doing? Have you talked to her?" Ikuyu asked. The news about Bakugou was enough to petrify him, he could only imagine what Mitsuki Bakugou was feeling right now.

"I was with her when we got the news, we are together right now and it was just like USJ all over again." Inko answered.

Ikuyu remembered what it was like, even though he was at school at that time, he had later come to know what had happened. Inko had called Mitsuki all panicky and anxious, she was in much better condition than she was, she had came over and consoled Inko until both her sons returned home.

Their conversation ended soon after. The time period after the call passed by in a blur, Ikuyu had gone back to his room, packed his belongings and made his way to the train station, he had done all of it mechanically, not paying the least bit of attention, if you happen to ask him where he kept his toothbrush or how he reached the train station, did he take the bus or walked all the way, he would not have the slightest idea about any of it. None of these details were registered in his mind, his head was too preoccupied with worrying about Baku- Izuku, too worried about Izuku to remember anything else.

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