II. Vincent

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"BRANDY HURRY UP I DONT HAVE ALL FREAKING DAY" Audrey yells before throwing a pillow at me.


It's 10am and Audrey's supposedly to be there before 11 since she has to help set up with Bethany's family.

"OKAY BYE!" she yells followed by mumbling before I hear the door shut.

I assume Donny left to get JayJay to meet Audrey at the tea house. I have about an hour and half to get ready, that's if I decide to go. Nope I'll go. Why not?

It's like 89 degrees outside. New York City.

I take a cold shower and blow dry my hair. But it took me less than 30 minutes to find something to wear and to get ready. That's a record actually.

High Waisted Levi's, a white wife-beater crop top and my Stan Smith's can pull off a basic casual fit. I didn't want to over dress or anything, especially in this weather.

I grab my fanny pack, keys and a bottle of water. I make sure I have my metro card with me. I hate loosing them and having to buy another one.

It's about a 30 minute train ride from the Upper East Side to World Trade, I have my music with me to pass time. I text the sibling group chat to let them know that I decided to go.

The train ride wasn't bad but I accidentally scraped myself on the way out. Great. I'm lucky that there's a Walgreens and a Target near by.

After buying the bandaids I have to head back to the train station to World Trade Center, if I leave now I'll make it.

For some reason I'm rushing because I want to catch the train and all of a sudden I collide with someone. They always say watch where you're going.

"I'm so sorry" I apologize.

"It's totally fine" I hear the figure say.

An accent?

I look up to him, wait. He's tall. I'm 5'6 but I have to look up to him just to make eye contact.

He's attractive. As fuck.

"You sure? I'm in a rush that's all" I reason.

He smiles. Uhm what?

"I'm sure, I'm not from around here so sorry about that"

"I figured, you lost or something?" I ask him as we move to the side before people start giving us looks.

"Yeah I am" he jokes.

"Oh well, where are you tryna go? Maybe I can help"

I don't know him but I can't just bump into him and be rude and just leave, the least I can do is help him. Maybe fate I guess.

"My sister wants me to meet her at this cafe in Tribeca" he says showing me the address.

"Oh I know that place, I'm actually going somewhere in the same area"

"I guess I'm lucky" he says.

"I guess you are" I smile.

"I'll help you out. I'm Brandy" I say giving him the impression of him telling me his name.

He hesitates for a while, I don't know why before he answers me.

"Vincent" he answers.

Everyone, well almost everyone calls me Brandy. It's less fancy than my actual name which I can live with.

"So what brings you here?" I ask him while we walk to the train station.


"What kind of business?" I question.

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