X. Fifa & 2K

226 9 1


I saw the way he was looking at her. I did the one thing for him to stop, wrap my arm around her.

I'm not her boyfriend.

Andrew says his goodbyes and as he's leaving I unwrap my arm around her.

"What was that for?" she looks up at me in confusion.

"He was eyeing you" I answer.

"He was just being friendly geez" she reasons.

But you don't see what I see Luv.

We make eye contact.

There's something about her eyes that holds a story that I've never heard of before.

I decide to corner her. She wants to play. I'll give her play.

She hits the wall as I wrap my arms around her to look like I'm hugging her.

"You know I've told you that I like you. Therefore implying that I want you and I'm going to do my very best in getting to know you. So why would I let someone eye you and try to flirt with you even. I told you I'll be here when you're ready" I whisper.

I wasn't joking at all when I said it the first time.

She's so damn gorgeous. I want to say that I'm lucky but she's not my girlfriend yet.

She's giving me those eyes that make you want to kiss her right now. I would. But I'm not going to.

"Stop giving me those innocent eyes Luv" I tell her.

She shakes her head in response.

"I'm not" she answers but I sense the lie.

I don't know if she's feeling that tension between us.

All of a sudden I'm leaning in close to her, don't do it Ruel. Don't

"Let's go to Chelsea Market?" I say breaking the tension.

I see the disappointment in her eyes. So she did want me to kiss her. I wanted to Brandy.

"Yeah. let's get out of here" she says.

I slip my hand with hers as I lead the way out of the projected room.

We head for the brick building with big letters saying "Chelsea Market" being a few blocks away.

She leads me to an area where we see people making noodles.


"Not just any kind of ramen Vinny" she giggles.

"Very Fresh" is what it's called.

"So they're fresh noodles"

"Yes of course, you can see them make it. I love this place " she says.

"Oh that looks so good" I mention looking through the glass of people making noodles.

"Really is, I'll order for us?" she asks as we fall in line.

"Yeah, I trust you enough." I tell her.

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