XVI. Diner

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It's annoying when someone wakes you up from your sleep, my sleep especially and that's the case.

I hear knocks on my door of Ruel saying it's him.

"It's Ruel"


"It's 9pm Luv" he says through the door.

"Is it?"

"It is"he answers.

I quick stretch and make myself look less like I just woke up. I pull a red crew neck over my head before heading out.

"You were waiting for me?" I ask him as I open the door.

"Yes" he chuckles.

"Where's Coco?" I ask.

"She's in the kitchen" Ruel answers.

"Wait your parents?"

"Living room"

"I'll say hi and everything to them first"

"Not if Coco sees you first" he says making the both of us laugh.

"OH MY GOD BRANDY YOU'RE HERE" Coco yells from the kitchen rushing over to hug me.

"COCO HIIII" I say as we hug each other.





"Ruel finally came to his senses" she says.

I see his parents on the side waiting for Coco and I to let go so we could all introduce ourselves.

"Hi I'm Brandy" I say to his mom.

"Hi sweetheart I'm Kate" his mom says while bringing me into a hug.

"I'm Ralph, nice meeting you Brandy" his dad says as we hug too.

"It's finally nice to meet the girl that Ruel's been talking about" Kate says.

"Oh really?"

"Yes! He wouldn't stop talking about you before we all went to bed before he went to pick you up" she continues.

"Mum!" I hear Ruel say.

"Oh, my bad" Kate says.

"We'll be going to bed now. Have a goodnight Brandy" Ralph says.

"Help yourself to anything" Kate says.

"You..."she points to Ruel.

"Don't make a mess" Kate says to him.

"I won't, night" he replies.

"Night mum! Night Dad!" Coco says.

"Good night Coco" we hear them say before they leave.

"So love bugs what's going on" Coco says.

"But out Coco" Ruel says.

"I still kinda hate you for doing what you did" I tell her.

"It worked though didn't it?" She grins.

"Yes and thank you for that" I say.

"Well I'll leave you too to do whatever now" she says.

"If anything please don't be loud and stay safe" she adds.

"COCO" Ruel and I both yell.

"Kidding!!!! Night you two!" she says before dissapearing.

EMPTY LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora