III. The Oculus

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"Have you been to the Oculus?" I ask.

"Uhm I'm not familiar with whatever that is, I'm a local remember"

"Oh it's this really cool underground architecture that holds stores, the Path train and the subway system. That's where we're stopping"

"Never been there but that sounds really cool"

"It's basically the World Trade Center" I add.

"You know the 9/11 situation and a few years back, 2016 they decided to build the oculus. I promise you it's super cool"

"Oh, you must know a lot"

"Yeah I grew up in New York" I proudly say.

"You don't have the accent"

I say with him as we laugh.

"I don't, one of my uncles though"

"That's interesting "

"Sure is"

"Want to know something ?" He asks.

"Tell me"

"Well This may sound cheesy but maybe we were meant to bump into each other today" he finishes.

"I agree. Gosh I'm such a bold person for this but you're so fucking attractive like how did I miss someone like you" I finish, he smiles and then laughs.

"I'm honored to be someone you find attractive and if I'm going to be bold too you're the most attractive girl I've met so far" he finishes.

Damn we're bold.

"Oh wow" is all I could say.

"Uhm you-" he points to his cheeks and I try to get what he's saying so I open my camera to look at myself.

"Shit" I accidentally say out loud.

I get weird stares from people.

"Sorry she just accidentally sent a wrong text message" he speaks up to the starring.


"Don't worry about it" he assures me.

"Oh I love the fit by the way" I compliment him.

He's wearing a blue stripe button down with a white t-shirt, blue pants and aesthetic yet worn out shoes, battered like mine. I find worn out shoes aesthetic in a way.

"Thanks, I love yours too" he replies.

"My fit is so basic, I didn't want to try today"

"Hey you still look rather nice though"

"Awh thanks, I forgot my bucket hat at home" I pout.

"You still look cute stop"

I break eye contact with him before I start blushing again. He's so chill what the fuck.

The conductor then starts talking through the speakers as the train comes to a stop.

"Ouuu we're here" I mention.

The doors finally open and Vincent and I get off.

"Well the Oculus is that way" I say pointing to the direction to where the Oculus is.

"And that's  our exit but we can spend sometime in the oculus for a few. We have around 20? 30 minutes till 12" I say.

"Well let's get going then" Vincent says as I pull him with him.

Once we leave the subway the intricate architecture of the Oculus welcomes us. The arches in the atrium tower over us.

"Wow that is quite the amazing view" I hear him say.

"It really is. I'd beg my mom to take me here whenever we go to the city just to walk around and look at the view"

"Awwh that's cute, let's go" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me with him as we walk to the center of the underground mall.

He takes out his phone to film the interior and takes pictures. He points his camera to me.

"Hey I didn't give consent" I pout jokingly.

"May I film you Brandy Melville?"

"Yes you may Vinny" I laugh while I smile and wave to the camera.

"Do you want me to take pictures of you?" I ask.

"If it's not too much"

He hands me his phone and I take a few steps back to take the pictures. He does a few goofy expressions making me laugh but I still take them.

I give him his phone back and he switches it to selfie mode.

"Are you-"

"This will be fun promise" he cuts me off.

We take a bunch of selfies and a bunch of silly ones too before stopping.

"Do you want to go up there?" I ask him referring to the last level of the Oculus where people can have a view of the whole thing.

"I'd love to" he answers.

"Come on Australia" I joke grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the escalators.

"Say hi to the camera Brandy Melville" he jokes.

I bring my face closer to his to say hi to the camera.

"Vinny's being annoying right now" I joke wrapping my arms around him.

"Ouch that hurt clothing store" he teases.

"I hate you Vincent Van Gogh"

"No you don't" he answers as we get off of the escalator and go onto the next one.

"Maybe I do"

"That's no what you said-"

"Oh okay that's enough for today. Vinny needs to stop exposing me" I cut him off taking his phone.

"Hi it's Brandy and that Vinny and together we're the?"

"Tourist and local" Vincent answers and we break out laughing.

"OH MY GOD NO WAY"  a voice says belonging to a girl going down the escalator, I end the video to process what's happening.

Her eyes were wide open for a few split seconds before Vincent and I get off the escalator.

"What was that?" I ask him.

"I don't know"

"She was looking at you"

"Maybe she mistook me for someone else" he shrugs.

"Maybe" I answer him as go inside the elevator. When we get off we pass by the crowd of people.

"Well this is the other view" I mention.

"This is incredible holy shit" Vincent mutters viewing the underground scenery.


"You were right about this place" he admits.

"-as I should be" I smile cheekily.

"Swear to God I'm lucky for bumping into you"

"It's mutual Australia"

"Seriously though, I most likely would've gotten lost trying to get to the hotel giving up trying to meet up with Coco"

"We'll glad you met me then" I smile.

"Of course, Let's go to that bubble tea place now" he says as I take his hand and pull him with me to the exit.

Anyways, stay safe everyone! Thank you for the support I appreciate it💗

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