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When you wake up to get ready for work you instantly check your phone to see if last night was all a dream. It wasn't. "Should I message him?" You think to yourself. "No, maybe it was just a one night type of thing, I'm sure it happens all the time, and he was probably talking to other girls as well." You get yourself ready for work and go about your day.
When you get home you need to catch up on schoolwork. So you put some music on and pull your books out. You've been working on your stuff for about a hour and are almost done when your phone goes off.

Instagram: new message from tristanbvibin

Hey cutie! Hope you're having a good day.

I'm having an okay day. Honestly you just made
my day. I really didn't expect to hear from you
again. I figured you finally came to your senses
and saw I'm nothing special.

Stop talking like that about yourself. Please.
You are very beautiful in my eyes. And I
hope that one day you'll see yourself the way
I see you.

Okay, you win. What do you really want Tristan?

I want to get to know you! I think you're
really beautiful, and I thought I was getting
somewhere last night when we were talking.
What can I do to prove to you this isn't a game?

I don't know honestly. I'm sorry. I just
don't see you falling for me. Like yeah my
face is cute, but the rest of me isn't. I don't
have a models body, I'm actually really shy and
really guarded.

So I need time and patience. Got it.
Just let me get to know you please.
Talk to me. Be my friend 🥺

Oh, stop that. I can see you making that
face. It's so cute. 🥰

Awww, you think I'm cute? ☺️

Well duh. You're very cute! But you're so kind
and always have advice to give. Honestly though,
how many girls do you have lined up?

Honestly, none. I'm not like that. I don't
think it's respectful to the girl. Yes a lot of
girls call me cute and slide into the DMs
but unless I can feel a vibe from what they
send me, it goes no further than a quick
response if anything.

Why are you like perfect?! 🥺😭
like seriously where have you been my
whole life?! 🥰

Hiding. 😂

Wow, you're really using my own line against
me? Smooth. Gonna make me fall in love or

Oh, say less. But be sure to catch me when
I fall. 😉

Okay, deal. 😂 if we get that far.

Well, give me your number so I can slide out
of the DMs.

Wow you're good.

You can't believe you just gave him your number. Your mind starts to go crazy with the thoughts of this being a joke. "He won't ever want you." "You're not good enough for him." "Give up now." You try to ignore them but these are the things you've been told over and over in your life. Could Tristan finally be the one to change the way you see yourself? Or will he just break you even more?

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