Goodbye For Now

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When you wake up in the morning the boys are sprawled all over the bedroom floor. Tristan you and Tyler are the only ones left on the bed. You giggle softly to yourself. Last night could've have gone without the crying, but overall it was a night high up on your list of "bests". You walk downstairs and Zach is already awake and has coffee made.
"Late riser today I see." He says laughing.
"It was a late night, and those boys snore so loud!" You say laughing.
"Oh trust me, I know." He says sipping his cup.
You walk to the cupboard and grab yourself a cup and pour yourself some coffee, you no sooner than sit down and you hear the boys yelling at each other.
"Well someone stepped on somebody and woke the whole room up." Zach says rolling his eyes.
"How do you know that?" You say chuckling.
"Happens every time they "have a sleepover". He says.
You laugh at the image of them all arguing because they all got woken up.
They all coming running into the kitchen trying to tattle on each other like a bunch of kids.
"Oh my gosh, you guys are children." You say laughing and taking a drink of coffee.
Chris comes up and taps the cup, just enough to make some dribble down your chin.
"Chris!" You yell trying not to laugh.
Tristan comes up to you and hugs you.
"Well good morning." You say putting your cup on the counter and wrapping your arms around him.
"I'm never having another sleepover again!" Bryan yells.
"You said that last time." Dayne says under his breath.
"Oh shut up you guys." Tyler says rubbing his eyes.
"For real." Tristans words muffled from him squishing himself into you.
"Okay boys, chill out." You say pushing Tristan off you.
Tristan moans in disappointment.

You leave the boys to their agony and go to pack your things for your trip home.
Heidi comes into the room, "hey." She says.
"Oh hey Heidi." You say as she startled you.
"You leaving today?" She asked.
"Yeah, gotta get back home, sadly. I've had the time of my life here." You say putting your things into your bag.
"Well-" she walks farther into the room and sits on the bed next to your bag. "We do have an opening here in the house." She said smiling.
"Heidi, I don't TikTok I seriously only use it to watch the boys lives." You say laughing.
"No, we have an intern opening! I think you'd be an amazing fit!" She says.
"Uh- I don't know, me and Tristan are, you know, and what if it ends badly?" You says looking at your things.
"Well, we could handle that if and when it happens, I really think you should talk to Zach about it though." She says standing up.
"I'll think about it." You say. She smiles at you and walks out the door.

You get your things packed up and head back to the kitchen. They boys seem to be more awake and in a better mood. You have to leave in a hour for your flight back home, so you take this time to really enjoy and soak in the rest of the time you have it's everybody.

"Alright, we have to go or you're going to miss your flight." Zach says.
"Can I come with you to drop her off?" Tristan asks.
"Well yeah." Zach laughs at the silly question.
All the boys take turns giving you hugs goodbye and "hope to see you again soon"s. Then they all huddle around you and give you one big group hug.
Heidi was the last one to tell you goodbye when she was hugging you she whispered in your ear, "please think about it, I think you'll love it." And then she lets go and backs away.
Tristan carries your bag to the car and sits in the back seat with you holding your hand the whole way to the airport.
"Alright, we're here." Zach says. "It was so good meeting you (your name). And please don't hesitate to come visit again. We all loved having you!"
Tristan gets out of the car and grabs your bag for you. He walks up to you and sets your bag down.
"I'm going to miss you." He says grabbing you and pulling you into himself.
"I'm going to miss you too." You say as the tears already start to run down your cheeks.
"Hey, look at me." He says cupping your face in his hands.
"Please don't cry. We had a great weekend! And you can come visit again soon! At least, I hope you will." He says laughing.
"I promise I will. But that doesn't help the fact that I have to go back to seeing you on a screen everyday." You say sniffling.
"I know it's not the same." He says pulling you in again.
You hug each other for what feels like 5 minutes neither one of you wanting to let go first. You eventually push yourself away from him and look him in the eyes. He leans down to give you one last passionate kiss.
"Well I guess this is goodbye." You say grabbing your bag from the ground.
"No, don't say it like that, I will see you again. So it's just- Goodbye for now." He says smiling and kissing your cheek.
You smile, "goodbye for now." You say.
You let out a sigh and turn around and walk through the door. You want to look back but you know that's cheesy so you don't.
You board the plane and get comfortable in your seat. You put your headphones in and hold the cheek that Tristan kissed.
"Goodbye for now." You whisper to yourself before the plane takes off down the runway and floats into the air.

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