Chapter 2

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Riley's POV

Emily came back and walked into the living room. James and I looked up at her.

Emily's POV

They looked up at me with blank expressions. "Riley. Can you get the bags from the car?" I said calmly. She got up and walked out to the car. As soon as she was out of earshot I turned to James. "What did you do?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He said. I took a deep breath and sat on the couch, where Riley had been sitting moments ago.
"James. I don't trust you already. I wouldn't want to push my luck if I were you. What did you do?" I asked again.
"We kissed." He answered plainly. I took another deep breath.
"What did you do while you were kissing?" I asked.

James's POV

I thought about that.


I pulled Riley on my lap again. "Why do you always listen to Emily?" I whispered in her ear. She shrugged.
"It's just always been like that." She said. I leaned in and kissed her.
"Can't you change?" I mumbled against her lips. She kissed back.
"No." She answered.
"Why not?" I asked still attached to her lips.
"Because I'm fine with it." She answered back.
"Aren't you your own person?" I asked doing my best to not break the kiss.
"Yes. But it doesn't mean I can't listen to Emily." She said doing her best to not break the kiss. I kissed her again passionately.
"You should really stop listening to her all the time." She kissed back.
"It doesn't matter to me." We both pulled away. I nuzzle and kiss her neck.
"Please don't listen to Emily all the time." I pleaded into her neck. "I like it better when she's not controlling you." She leaned her head on my shoulder.
"It's my life not yours." She said. We had had this conversation many time before and it always ending in Riley saying 'It's my life, not yours'.
"Fine." I said giving up. I leaned in. After a while we pulled apart. Seeing that Emily would be home any minute, we went back to our separate ends of the couch.


How am I supposed to tell Emily we were arguing about her. "We were also talking about dance." I lied. It wasn't the first time I had lied to anyone in A troupe. And it probably wasn't going to be the last time either.
"Alright." Emily sighed. "If that's all." At that point Riley came back in with the 2 bags and handed them to Emily.
"I gotta go." I told her.
"So soon?" Riley asked.
"Yeah. I'll come by tomorrow." I said pecking her lips before heading out.

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