Chapter 12

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James's POV

What is up with us? I don't know. But I do know that I made a BIG mistake. "I just don't understand! If it's nothing why won't you tell me who Alexandria is?!" Riley yelled at me. She had seen a text from an Alex on my phone, and wasn't very happy.
"No one. I swear Riles." I answered.
"What kind of a relationship are you two in?!" She asked, tears brimming her eyes.
"I swear. I don't even know who she is. Please Riles. You have to believe me." I pleaded. "I need you. You need me."
"I don't need you. I don't need anybody. I can get on without anyone. I don't need anyone at all!" She said upset. She turned, looking like she was going to storm out. She stomped away as I watched, upset with myself. On her way out she hit her head against a shelf. "Ow!" She exclaimed. "Ok. I need you." She said. I chuckled and walked over to her. She had her hand over her forehead, where she had gotten hit. I slowly moved her hand. There was a gash above her right eye, about an inch long. It was bleeding heavily. I took her to my bedroom and left.

Riley's POV

James dragged me to his room and say me on his bed. Then he left the room. I thought it was funny that if I hadn't hit my head on the shelf, I would be going home, angry. But because I hit my head, I'm here with a bleeding forehead. James came back with a bottle of something, a wet cloth, and some cotton. He took the cloth and moved to my forehead. I winced as it touched the gash. He pulled away, staring at the gash. He was probably thinking of how to clean it without hurting me. He eventually gave up and dabbed the cloth to my forehead. I winced at first. He finishing cleaning and grabbed the bottle. I realized it was rubbing alcohol. He poured some on the cotton and dabbed my forehead. This hurt. A lot. He finally put the cotton and rubbing alcohol away.

James's POV

Riley had tears in her eyes by the time I finished with the rubbing alcohol. "It's ok Riley." I said and hugged her. "I don't have to do anymore baby." I felt her tears land on my shirt. I rubbed her back. "Wanna stay here tonight?" I asked her. "It will be just you and me." I whispered in her ear.
"Ok." She said quietly, as I pulled away.

Sorry for not updating in so long. I had a major case of writers block and kept deleting chapters.

StrugglesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora