Chapter 7

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Emily's POV

I sat in tears in the hospital hallway. A doctor came out of Riley's room. "You can go in now." He said. I nodded, sniffling, and walked into my baby sister's hospital room. She was still unconscious, but that was about all. She had a few cuts on her face and arms, but nothing was broken. She had landed on the pavement, so luckily wasn't in the car when it flipped over. The room was silent, except for the beeping of the monitor beside her bed. She lay on top of the covers. I sat beside her bed.

James's POV

Riley's dad told me I could go to see her now, so I'm just walking to her room. When I walk in I see Emily in tears beside Riley's bed. I quietly sat in the chair beside Emily. She noticed me there and wiped away her tears. "Sorry." She said. Her face was red and her mascara was running.
"It's ok." I said. "Where's your mom?" I asked.
"She died in the car." Emily answered quietly. "Now I have to tell Ri."
"I'll tell her if you want. Save her from hating you." I offered. She nodded and looked down. She sniffled as more tears fell.
"It's so horrible." She said looking up. "We lose our mom, and almost lose Riley." She sniffled. I leaned over and hugged her. "I just feel like a horrible sister. I was supposed to pick up Riley. Mom really can't drive. But I was feed up of seeing you two together. And now look what's happened."
"It's not your fault." I said.
"How can you say that, when it really is?" She sniffled into my shoulder. "I let A troupe down at Nationals, I was the cause of my mothers death, I almost killed my own sister, I was the worst dance captain around, I bullied Michelle for no reason, I yelled at Chloe when she had a good reason, I broke up with Hunter just because of Amanda's plan, James, I'm a horrible person." She cried.
"No." I said. "You couldn't control wether or not you hurt your knee, you didn't know your mom was going to crash the car, you only needed a little help and you would've been a great captain, you were insecure and worried Michelle would take your place, I wanted to yell at Chloe for leaving and showing up late, you were trying to protect the team, and your not a horrible person." I told her.
"Yeah right." She said looking down. I felt so bad that she felt like that, and thought she was all whose horrible things. I don't really know what I was thinking, or why I would do this with Riley right there, even if she was unconscious, but the next thing I know, I was leaning in. My lips met Emily's we shared a long passionate kiss.

Riley's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I heard a loud beeping. As I sat up, I saw Emily and James. They were kissing right beside my bed. I felt my heart sink to my stomach and lay back down. I closed my eyes, fighting to hold back tears.

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