Chapter 11

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James's POV

"James!" Riley freaked out.
"Just one more picture." I pleaded.
"Stop it." She said annoyed putting her hand in front of her face.
"Please Riles."
"No." She said sternly.
"Please." I pleaded.
"What will make you stop?" She asked.
"A picture."
"What else?" She said super annoyed. I thought for a second. "Well?" She asked. I thought a little longer until I said:
"Give me a kiss." She sighed and kissed my cheek. I stared her down, unhappy. "Try again." I spoke. She sighed again and kissed me on the lips. It lasted about seconds before she pulled away. I put my hand up and held the back of her head. She was only about an inch from me. I leaned in and kissed her passionately. She kissed back. I moved her onto my lap and put my hands on her waist. After a couple minutes, there was a knock on my door. We pulled away. I groaned as Riley got up and opened the door.
"I need you to meet me downstairs." Jenna said. Riley turned to me and I stood up. We got downstairs and there was a camera set up. Jenna is a Youtube freak. Mom and dad got her an account and she posts weekly videos. "I was hoping you two would be in my newest video." She explained. Riley nodded.
"As long as it's alright with James." She said. I nodded as well.
"Ok great. I'll start it off and then I'll ask you guys some questions." She said sitting on the couch and motioning for us to sit with her. "When I hit this button we have 5 seconds before the video starts." Jenna explained. We both nodded and Jenna hit the button. "Hi everyone. I'm here today with my brother James, and his girlfriend Riley. They have agreed to help me with my video today, so I'm excited, and you guys are excited because of the name of the video, but they don't know what this video is about yet." She started off. "So. Mom went to California last week for business and she brought back these." Jenna said holding up two boxes that we're all too familiar.
"Are those crickets?" Riley asked. Jenna nodded.
"We're each going to try one. Now." Jenna said emptying the boxes into two bowls. "I'll start. The flavours are bacon and cheese, and sour cream and onion." Riley looked disgusted. "I'm going for bacon and cheese." Jenna said and picked one up. She hesitated before putting it in her mouth. We could hear the crunching. "Not that bad. Kinda like a sunflower seed. Riley. Which one would you like?"
"Do I have to?" Riley asked. Jenna nodded. She sighed. "Ok I'll have sour cream and onion." Jenna motioned to a bowl. Riley picked it up and hesitated before throwing it back in the bowl. Jenna nodded.
"James?" She said.
"I'll have sour cream and onion and bacon and cheese." I said.
"Uh." Jenna said, unsure where this was leading. I grabbed one bowl and dumped its contents into the other bowl so they were mixed together. "I'm. Okay." Jenna said before I picked up the bowl and dumped all the crickets in my mouth.
"Ew! Gross!" Riley said jumping up from the couch, getting away from me.
"Grasshoppers are better." I said. Jenna looked back at the camera.
"I'll see you on next weeks video." She said before ending it.
"That was disgusting." Riley commented.
"It's like you ate the shell of a sunflower seed." I said.
"I can smell it on your breath." Riley said disgusted. "Yuck."

I basically just copied this video for this chapter, but it's really funny so I hope you watch it, and I guess if you want to try it, enjoy your cricket.

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