Chapter 14

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OMD!!!!!! I'm at 2.50k reads!!!!! And this story has only been up for just over a month!!!! I'd like to thank everyone who's reading this book, or my other book, The Next Step Love Story, even though I'm finished that one. Thanks so much for all the support and all the votes and nice comments I always get in my chapters, and the comments asking me to update. I love them so much and it makes my day. It just makes me feel happy inside. You guys are the reason I am writing this book and searching my brain everyday to find a new idea for each chapter. I'm also super sorry for not updating very often, I know it's only one book, but I have a lot on my plate right now, so it's hard. But I'm working to finish this book by the end of March at the latest. I may do a sequel if I have enough reads. Special shoutout to Jiley_LayaLover and TNSJiley_Infinity for always sharing their opinion on my chapters and for voting.


James's POV

I looked down at Riley, who was cuddled into my arms with her arms wrapped around me. She was looking at the screen, but obviously wasn't interested in the movie that was on. "Bored?" I asked her. She nodded, looking up at me. I stood up and walked in a circle.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"No where." I replied.
"Than what are you doing?" She asked. I shrugged. She rolled her eyes and stood up. She turned off the movie, which I hadn't been paying attention to either, and grabbed my hand.
"Let's go." I said pulling her out the door.
"Where?" She asked.
"Surprise." I said leading her out.


I grabbed her hand as she stepped out of the car. The beach was deserted. We interlocked our fingers and she swung our hands back and forth. She looked out at the setting sun. Then turned back to me. "Do you know what tomorrow is?" She asked rocking on her heels. I knew exactly what tomorrow is. It's her birthday. Deciding to give her a hard time, I thought for a second.
"Um. Easter?" I suggested.
"No." She said.
"No." She said annoyed.
"Canada Day?"
"No! It's my birthday!"
"I know. I was just kidding." I said. She smiled and started swinging our hands again. "I have something to show you." I told her. She nodded and I leaded her to canoes. I pushed it onto the lake and climbed in. She got in as well and we paddled out. We got to the middle of the lake and I knew this was the place.

Riley's POV

"Look over there." James said pointing behind me. I turned to see a little island with the sun setting behind it.
"It's beautiful." I said. I turned back to him and gasped, covering my mouth with my hands. He was holding a ring and staring into my eyes.
"It's a promise ring." He explained. "Until we're old enough to get married anyway." He added. "What do you say?" He asked. I nodded. He put it on my middle finger, so no one suspected anything. It was gold, with a nice white diamond in the middle. It had smaller diamonds trailing out from the bigger one as well. It didn't exactly look like an engagement ring, but I liked it better. And no one but us would know. "Like it?" He asked.
"Yes. Thank you James." I responded. I leaned over and hugged him. I felt the balance of the canoe shift, and the next thing we knew, the canoe tipped over and we were in the water.

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