Her hearts a diamond

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Once the king leaves I feel as though I can finally breathe. I stare as he strides away to his chair. Feeling mostly shocked from the experience but also tired and exhausted.

Gabriel shuffles in my direction and grasps my hands. His scent surrounds me, reminding me of how the king smells... okay that sounded creepy...

I still know it. His sweet aroma dancing in my nose. Gabriel can't compare. It is obvious his royal highness can afford the best of perfumes.

Gabriel's smile improves my mood. He offers me a drink and we sit by the wall.

After my third drink I began to feel as if I were in a dream. But I was happy. I felt like I'd never been this happy before. I don't remember when but I had fallen asleep.

I dreamt that Gabriel was snogging another woman with huge breasts. I cried to him but he smiled at me with a seductive grin. Turning away with his arm around her and leaving me in the rain.

My eyes shot open and I sucked in a hard breath of air. Light shone on my face, forcing my brain to pound in pain. I turn and groan only to find I'm covered with a silk blanket. I gasp and sit up. But when the fabric falls it shows that I'm completely naked!
So many questions fill my head. Another pain strikes me as I hold my face in my hands. Groaning, I stand up to find my dress. I trip on my foot and topple over, knocking down a lantern and bringing it with me. How graceful.

I stand up abruptly, using the silk cloth to cover my body. I spot my dress and it's accessories thrown about on the floor. Oh dear, it's filthy! I have no choice but to wear it. As I'm tying the strings I hear someone's heels taping the hard floor. A soft knock taps the door. "Pardon, is anyone inside?"

Panic fills me. What do I do? "Hello?" The person on the other side turns the knob. I run to the door, holding my shoes. I'm greeted by a woman with curly black hair. She's clearly a maid by the way she's dressed. Her big brown eyes look sharply at me. "Excuse me? Who are you?"

My skull aches again and I slam my hand on my head.  The woman's expression softens as is if she understands. "First time drinking?" I nod and smile awkwardly. "I figured. Alright, I'll show you the way out."

The halls just kept going. Doors at each corner. You open one door and you're greeted with two more. It felt like it would never end. Until I was shown to a kitchen. "I-I thought I was-"

"Not to worry m'dear. It's a secret entrance." Confused, I follow the woman to a dark closet. As she opens the door, another appears. Once she unlocks that one she opens it and warm sun rays hit me in the face. I hiss in pain and back away. "Here." She hands me a dark parasol to keep me out the sun. I thank her and stepped outside. Once she closes the door I felt an urge to feel my neck. I froze. I thought I would faint. My ruby necklace was gone. It must've slipped off in my sleep. I knew I could never go into the castle and just waltz up to the king and ask if he found my necklace. If he asked where I last seen it I'd have to tell him about the room. Speaking of the room...

I was naked. Oh God, did I... am I? I sped home as fast as I could. I banged on the door hoping my father would hear me and let me in. Gabriel answered the door. "Rose!!" As he embraced me I pushed my way in. "Rose, where have you been we were all worried sick for you?"  "Oh my Gabriel. Can we speak about this later? My head feels like it wants to break open my skull and run away."

My mother approached in a hurry and hugged me. "Oh, my daughter... I thought you'd gone missing?" I gave her a reassuring smile and tightly hugged her back. With the things swirling in my brain right now I really needed to rest.

After meeting with my entire family I felt exhausted. I drug my sore feet up the stairs and into my bedroom. Finally alone I had time to process the last events.

Okay, so I got drunk. I have no idea how I got into such a luxurious room. And... how I became naked. Where was Gabe when this happened? My necklace is missing too. Did someone steal it or did it slip off in my sleep? And most importantly.... am I still a virgin? I'll have to somehow get my jewelry back. Or I might as well forget it ever existed. Well, an expensive ruby necklace isn't that important is it? Who, that is "if" it even happened, was the man to ruin my marriage. Is it even ruined?

The past few days has felt like torture. Not knowing what truly happened that night is taking over my mind. I can't think properly.  Today, Gabriel has to go outside the kingdom to contribute to the hunting. His permanent job is working at a high class shop in the middle of the kingdom. But he loves to volunteer when ever he can to help out those in need.


The book I'm reading is particularly entertaining. It's a murder mystery. The husband of a dead woman struggles to find her killer. I've read quite a few mystery stories and they're all quite predictable. The culprit is always someone familiar from the beginning. A small, unimportant character who yearns for more appreciation and acknowledgement. Foolish, really. They got what they wanted all along for a terrible price.

I would be continuing this tale but my maid insists that I eat three times a day. It wouldn't hurt if I skipped a single meal. Fortunately the chef made something I like. Pork and vegetables.

A sound drifts through the metal doors. I order the guards to let the guest in. It was the butler? His tall figure approached me and stood across the table. "May I speak with his royal highness?" Alfred, my butler bowed slightly to show his respect. "Why must you disturb me, Alfred?"

"One of the maids found something, y-you're majesty." He pulled a velvet cloth from inside his coat pocket holding it out on his gloves hands for me to see. "It was in one of the guest rooms." As he unfolded the small fabric a light bled into the ruby stoned jewelry. My mind shot back to that night. Oh, how wonderful she smelled. I remember her shiny curls bouncing as she spun in my arms. The uncomfortable fear in her enchanting green eyes. And the bloody red rubies dripping off her neck. But why do these memories invade me?

"Sir? What shall we do?"

Without hesitation or a second thought I made a decision. "We'll host another party."

"I beg your pardon?" Alfred looked bewildered.

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