⚜6⚜ Late night meeting

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It's past midnight when I decide to finally close my laptop and call it quits. People on the internet are so dumb. Just because they're behind a screen they think they can say whatever the fuck they want. I've been in an anonymous argument for the past hour with some dude thinking it's OK to cheat on one's partner if they're gone for a long period of time. I made my point about how it'd be better to just not be in a relationship at all in that case, but he started bringing up a bunch of other unrelated things and it escalated pretty quickly. I don't know why I even bother trying to educate people when they're clearly not wanting to listen. It's a weird hobby I wish I didn't have.

I stretch with a yawn and although I was planning on going to sleep, my stomach tells me I should get something to eat first. Jin ate my food after all. I giggle to myself at the memory. I think it's cute how he can have such a big appetite, but in the moment I completely forgot that I was hungry too. 

The lights are off in the hallway when I step out and I glance over towards the door on the other side. Jin never came to visit me even though I was hoping he would. He should already be done with Taehyung and gone to sleep by now. 

Since I don't want to risk waking anyone on my way to the kitchen, I leave the lights off and carefully walk on the carpeted part of the stairs to not make any noise. It's all well and good until one of the floorboards creak in the corridor outside the dining room and I hear a startled gasp a bit further down. My eyes are already adjusted to the dark and when I continue I come face to face with the person I was wanting to see. Jin stares back at me with big eyes and he has his hand covering his mouth in shock. He's standing as still as the statue right next to him while just watching me with horror as I walk closer. I must've really spooked him. 

"Hello, or should I perhaps say good night? You can relax. I'm not a ghost."

His shoulders eventually go down and he seems to relax for real. When I look at him I see that his hair is sticking out in weird places and he's not wearing his tie anymore. The collar looks crooked too. Why is he so disheveled?

"J-Jungkook, you scared me," he says and it just sounds so cute hearing him admit it like that. 

"What are you doing wandering around here so late, Hyung? In the dark on top of that."

"I was just trying to go back to my room since I just finished helping Taehyung, but I got lost somewhere along the way. It's more difficult in the dark too."

"It's fine if you want to turn on the lights, you know."

"Sure, but I didn't want to bother anyone and I also couldn't find a light switch..."

I find myself laughing a little at his pureness. 

"In that case you could've come to me and asked for help."

"No, how could I justify bothering you this late? Also... I forgot the way to your room. I thought about asking you, but by then I was already making my third lap around the castle and I didn't know the way back."

Wow, he's worse off than I thought. The castle isn't even that big and yet he managed to get lost. It's kind of sad, but at the same time absolutely adorable. This is a great chance for me. I'm really tired, but I'll stay up a bit longer to get to know him. He's going to think I'm his hero when I show up like this and take him back to his room.

"You're in luck because I'm more than willing to help you back, Hyung."

His eyes light up, but he doesn't allow himself to be truly happy about it.

"Thank you, but I feel bad for bothering you like this again. I'll have the layout of the castle memorized tomorrow, that way you don't need to help me all the time."

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