⚜24⚜ New reality

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It's almost 6 PM, which means it's about time for the ball to start. I got ready several hours ago, but after that I've just been sitting on my bed procrastinating. I don't want to go. I hate socializing and I hate the thought of it even more when there's the added pressure of finding someone I could consider marrying. It's cruel. How would I know if I like someone at first glance or by dancing with them one time during an evening? 

I force myself to stand up and take a look in the mirror. All things considered, I have to admit I look good. I'm dressed in a black tuxedo in hopes of not gaining too much attention since most of it will be on me anyway and my hair is slicked back just like when I tried to impress Jin after they'd just moved here. This time it's to try and impress someone new. Someone unknown. Someone who's not him. 

Even if Jin will be at the ball, which he most certainly will, there's no reason for me to pay any attention to him. I don't fully believe what Jimin told me, but even so I can't get the thought of it out of my head. What if Jin actually is sleeping with Taehyung? How long have they been doing that? After we kissed, did he go to Taehyung's room? 

My heart hurts at the thought and I force myself to push it away. It shouldn't matter to me if they're together since I can't be with Jin anyway. Whatever we had going on is over now. 


The castle's ballroom is already bustling with people when I get there. Distant relatives and rich businessmen make up most of the guest list. Along with them they've brought their daughters. My parents probably set them up to do that. I dread to even enter the room since I know that once they notice me I won't be able to leave. The whole night I'll be forced to politely smile while trying to remember people's names and laughing at poor jokes. I'm exhausted already just thinking about it. 

Just as I'm about to set foot inside, I'm pulled away out into the hallway. I clumsily stumble to try and keep up with my kidnapper and once we're hidden underneath the stairs away from all the noise, he turns around and I immediately recognize Jimin's face. I frown at him, but before I can even say anything he shushes me and takes out his phone. 

"Look, I know you don't like my gossip, but just look at this," he says and shoves the screen in my face. 

I take it from his hand and see that it's just a picture of Jin in the dark outside Taehyung's room. 

"Yeah? Is this your supposed proof?" I ask and give it back to him. 

"Look at the time it was taken! Right before midnight. That's pretty damn suspicious in itself, but this morning when I went to check up on Taehyung, I looked in the trashcan and found this."

He swipes to a new picture and I cringe when he shows me a photo of a used condom. I push his phone away and immediately start walking.

"Hey, where are you going?!" he says and hurries after me, grabbing my arm yet again to stop me from leaving. "Isn't this proof enough?"

"What does it matter? OK, yeah, you proved me wrong. WOW. They're fucking. What do you want me to do about it?"

"But don't you even think it's a bit strange? If you ask me, Jin was clearly interested in you. Why would he be with Taehyung all of a sudden?"

"I don't know! Maybe he changed his mind or maybe he never did like me. It's none of my business either way. Ask them about it instead of speculating with me. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go find my future wife among the hundreds of girls in there."

I yank my arm out of his grip and walk back to the ballroom with determined steps. Actually, it might be angry steps since I'm pissed from learning that it's actually true. Jin is sleeping with Taehyung. Out of all people. The same man that treated him like shit and took his own individuality away from him. What a fucking joke. 

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