⚜26⚜ It's time

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I see through one of the windows how Jin storms off into the night. That fucking guy is seriously insane. Couldn't he have waited a couple more days before getting angry with me? If Jimin truly is able to make me more compassionate then perhaps I'd actually have cared about Jin right now. Too bad that's not the case. He's free to do whatever he wants. I don't need him anymore. I've gotten used to living in an unclean environment, so that's not a problem for me. 

It's a shame things had to end this way though. Who am I supposed to fuck now? Just masturbating is boring, and I don't really want to end up in a forced marriage like Jungkook after sleeping around with servants. A normal person would probably just get a partner, but I won't be able to do that. No one likes me. Stupid Jin told me to die alone. I want to prove him wrong so badly, but with the way things are right now he'll probably be right in the end. 

What I'm scared of right now is that I'll start feeling guilty or something after Jimin makes me a better person. I realize I'm putting way too much faith in him in fixing me, but what else can I do? I don't know how to be good, so how would I be able to fix myself? 

I know I told Jin I wouldn't be looking for him, but I might actually do it in a few days if he doesn't come back. That man could get lost in his own bathroom, so there's no telling where he'll end up on his own out there. Not that I'm worried about him of course. I'm still mad, so he can stay on his own for a while. It's what he wanted anyway.

I check the time and it's only a little less than a hour left until the ball is officially over. I've been antisocial all night, but no one has complained so far. I'll happily continue this way. It's a shame I'm not allowed to leave, so I must find some other way to be entertained. I've grown bored of watching Jungkook limping around. That idiot didn't even put the band-aid on even though Jin went through the trouble of giving it to him. 

The punch at the food table looks promising and after keeping myself away from it all night, I finally decide to give it a go. Getting drunk this late into the evening won't hurt anyone. The king probably has his eye on Jungkook either way, so he won't notice. I grab the scoop and fill up a glass with the slightly pink drink. It slides over my tongue and it has more alcohol in it than I expected. It's still pretty good though, so I finish my first glass in a flash. A couple more of these and I'll have forgotten about Jin in no time.


The watch on my arm is slightly blurry when I try to check the time again. It's been 25 minutes since I started drinking. Needless to say I think it worked because my head feels all fuzzy and nice in a strange way. Yup, I'm drunk alright. 

I take a look out on the dance floor and Jungkook is still going at it with the dancing. The fatigue is starting to show on his face even if he hides it. What a loser. I continue to see if I can spot the king somewhere to make sure he hasn't noticed me getting wasted, but he's probably pretty drunk himself with his close friends. They keep loudly laughing and talking. Guess I'm in the clear and won't get scolded later. I just gotta make sure I don't make a scene or do something stupid again. 

While trying to come up with something fun to do, I suddenly get approached by Jimin wearing a sneaky smile. He's been passing by every now and then while fixing the food, so he's seen me sitting here by the punch alone for a while. He's probably here to tease me like the little shit he is.

"Having fun?" he asks. 

"Piss off," I bark back at him. "I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now."

"I can tell. Are you sad because your little sex slave left you?"

Admittedly I feel slightly nervous at the mention of that. I look at Jimin but he just wears a knowing smile. He knows.

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