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   I always knew having this child would be the death of me, and if you are reading this; I was right. But I wouldn't trade this child for anything, Bucky. It was my time to go, and this child is the last part of me and is a part of you. This child is all the worst and best things about both of us. I love this baby even if I don't get to know it, and I love you. I promise to always love you.

   Love is a complicated word. Majority of people spend their whole lives searching for the meaning. But what is love? Bucky love is us. We've always been in love even when we were young and naïve. But our minds haven't changed. When you think of me you still think of the girl you love, when I think of you I still think of the boy I love. Back then I could've sworn we had it all — now I'm not so sure. Either way, you hold a place in my heart, and for some reason, I can never let you go. We may be disconnected now, but you'll always be with me. We weren't perfect, we were a mess. But the love you showed me taught me not to give up. Our love will never give up. In the end, we might not be together, but it's okay, I'm okay. It's said you never forget your first love. Maybe that's why you could never seem to leave my mind. It's insane; I know. But we have always been in love - I know that now.

   Sometimes I would wish upon a star that we could get our happy ending, because don't we deserve it? We've been through it all, shouldn't we at least get that? This is so unfair Bucky, I know it, and I know you're thinking it but please don't hold onto me forever. You need to find someone new, introduce them to our kid, hopefully, she'll love our kid. I know you are probably thinking you'll never find someone new but I know you and I've always had more faith in you than you've had for yourself and I know you'll have no problem. Don't worry about me being worried or if I wouldn't want you to move on because I do want you to move on, Buck.

   You deserve so much happiness and you deserve a family. I'm sorry I could not be part of that family. But it's okay, I know it is. Because we will find each other again, in another life I know it. We always find each other no matter what, we probably did in a past life, in this life, and we will in our future lives. I will walk a million miles to find you again, I promise. I promise to love you for infinity, I promise to watch over you and our child, I promise to protect you from the afterlife. I promise that this isn't the end for us. I promise we'll meet again. I promise it all just takes some time. Even though I know time has never been on our side.



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