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Jack's POV

Felix didn't return after seeing the Head Angel. Strange thing was that Amy was telling the group that Mark wasn't going to in school tomorrow because of stuff and she seemed so calm. Like she knows what's going on. Does Amy and Mark know about Felix?

Even if that was true how am I supposed to ask her? "Hey Amy, do you know about Felix being an angel?" No that'll just make her believe I'm crazy. I knew that she knew something but I didn't know how to ask her.

I decide to just let it go as I have no idea how to ask her. However, she has been really close to me lately and has never really wanted to let me go on my own. Maybe she does know about Felix and she is making sure I don't do anything stupid.

Throughout the classes were really boring without him but we got the script ready for everyone. We all thought to change our names and I just stuck with Jack.

Mark: we are finally free, welcome home
Ken: it's just us, there's no one else around.
Mark: the world is ours.
Jack: no it isn't.
Ken: get in the car.
Jack: this isn't finished.
Mark: what?
Jack: even though the kids dead I'm still seeing red.
Ethan: he's just a shell of his form and his innocence shed
Mark: he lived a good life and he gave it to you, Jack!
Ethan: ho, ho is that right you know it's not true!
Jack: look at him showered in blood and flowers now look at my eyes he still holds the power after years and years of confronting his fears, he's dead on his record for the world to hear!
Ethan: and they all think that it was suicide. But Chris we know it was you in his head!
Ken: Chris saved him!
Mark: exactly, I held him to the moment he died!
Ethan: you choked him out of his own god damn mind, promised the world to him a goddamn lie!
Mark: what do you want from me?!
Jack: oh look outside yourself!
Ken: we won't help you take him down.
Ethan: fine.
Mark: please, listen to me! You don't need it!
Jack: oh I know that I need it!
Ken: he has been gone for years.
Mark: you can beat your own lust for vengeance! I know you can!
Ethan: now look in the mirror, you know we all fear him, we are all one in the same, we are afraid to be near him and we all utter the name with our spirits defeated, except Jack. He isn't afraid to do what is right and he isn't afraid of him!
Mark: that doesn't mean he should go after him.
Jack: yet you let me and made me kill him! You are worse than Lucifer!
Mark: no I told you to end him it was all for the best! Trust me it'll work out in due time.
Jack: so I can blame you for the pain in my chest?
Ken: No!
Jack: if none of you will go then I will, to avenge the lost soul I killed!
Ethan: I'm with you to the end.
Jack: thanks Lucas.
Mark: you are filling your heart up with hate all the same as the kid you left face down on the pavement!
Ethan: Save it!
Jack: it's time I made a statement a pity the city has ruined, we could've fooled Hollywood just the five of us but Lucifer has made a fool of us and Tyler is dead!
Mark: you're lost!
Ethan: 1, 2, 3, 4, is that what live is really for? Is this all I get for being yours? The kid in front of me in blood and gore?!
Jack: 5, 6, 7, 8, years out to waste for all our hate. They'll all know the Lord of hells date!
Jack and Ethan: The shows about to start. Don't be late.

We were all pretty happy with how our script was and now we are just hoping that Mark and Felix liked it. We also thought to add a little live story between Chris and Lucas as it makes it a little more interesting. It was Chris and Lucas because, we made Lucas a follower and so instead of trying to go his own way he goes with me instead leaving his partner behind as they are on opposing sides. It was actually Marks idea and we all agreed with it.

Next lesson was music. Brilliant.

I knew that our task would be to practice our part in the talent show but for both me and Amy, our partners have gone somewhere. I am still highly convinced she knows something but I'll wait and won't ask. She walks over to me and asks if I could practice with her. To make it work we said that we will practice one song first then the other and keep switch and the first song was Amy's.

Wherever You Will Go.

While I was singing it I thought about how close I truly was to Felix and how much I actually love him. He hasn't came back and told me anything which is worrying, he didn't even tell me that he needs to stay in there fore longer.

Way up high, or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

While he's in heaven, I can't go there right now tho. Not yet, not my time and I know that now.

To want you
To guide you
Through the darkest of your days

I wonder if Mark and Amy chose this song because it relates to them, like how me and Felix chose our song. Amy didn't really sing so it was just me but I'm surprised I didn't feel awkward singing to her. Although it was just us I hadn't really sing in front of anyone in a long time.

She was really good at playing piano. Once it was finished we switched to my song and not long after it was time for lunch. I was pretty bored without Felix but Ethan and Ken made up for it a little by trying so hard to make me included in the conversation which I was grateful for.

Eventually, my body thought it time to go to the toilet and so I excused myself and left. From the corner of my eye I saw the two guys that beat me up and I instantly went the other way. Much to my dismay, they saw me and ran after me.


This scenario is way too familiar. At the end of the corridor was a dead end and all the teachers were either in the teachers lounge or patrolling the restaurant or outside.

I couldn't be saved. "Looks like your body guard boyfriend isn't here."

"Why don't you leave me alone?" I begged in between breaths. "see, I can't do that. I always liked you Seán and of course you walk into school with a guy around you just as I gathered enough courage to talk to you."

It was strange how I never really got bullied before that by them until Felix arrives. "this guy, walks in and ruins my plans! So I'm going to ruin his." My eyes widened at that and they could tell I was scared.

The boy beside his got out a needle and handed it to the person who supposedly likes me. "Don't worry. You'll only feel a little pinch." He said as he walked closer and closer. Suddenly the needle is almost to contact with my neck and I felt something. A switch.


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