life in Maywood part 14

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Life has it ups and downs but lucky for me people see things in my that I didn't see in myself at the time. In the psych ward I had a counselor named Victoria on my God  I loved her so much and she loved me just as much as I loved her. We had a great a bond and it was refreshing to talk to her as I did the first time I was there.
I would have married her if I could. She help me get my head straight and to this day I remember the things she told me and use them in everyday life. I'd love to see her again and that her for impacting my life. After the hospital, I ended up back at Pauline house but because I was a grown man at age 18 I could not so. . had a buddy to talk to there name Stillman. He was so cool and laid back.
He mostly listened and he just allowed me to deflate what was inside. Everyone needs a good Stillman. He was a skinny white guy. Kinda dorky with the horseshoe hairline. Maybe mid-30s. He took me to the doctor one day for a physical and when I took off my shirt he was amazed at the muscle definition that was in my skinny body.
He asked me why do black people have such great muscle definition?
I could not answer that at the time and I don't think he meant it in a racial way either. 
If I could answer that now I would tell him this muscle definition is the result of slave owners breeding out the weak and only keeping the strongest slaves. Combine that with high protein diets and plenty of exercise and boom! Nigga on steroids 😆.
If you ever read this book Stillman you finally got your answer. One day they sent me to another satellite home called Maywood house. This house was run by Laura Gary but the boys in the house called her mom.
What was cool about this house was it had a basketball court and didn't look like a group home at all. It was just one huge house and Laura lived in the basement with her 3 kids.
She had a set of intelligent twin boys and a sweet 9-year-old girl named Lala. She was married to a cool O.G name Dre. He didn't live there but he was always there and the boys in the home loved him.
Laura was a sister with obvious Hood Roots. She also was curvy to the extreme. At this home I didn't have a room to myself but I was one of the older kids so I only had to share a room with the oldest guy there. His name was Jose.
We got along very well and he was rarely home because he used his home passes consistently. Steve came out to check on me one day. I told him that I want to go to college. I had not finished high school yet because of my constant moving from one place to another but Steve got my the tuition money through the state and I started my first college classes at Triton College.
I was also taking GED classes. If I went back to high school I would have been a 20 yr old senior so I decided to wait till my graduating class graduated then just take the GED test.
The school allowed me to take all the college classes I wanted but I couldn't get my degree until I finished the GED program.
I was doing highschool and college at the same time. I also got my first job as an adult. I picked up an job at Jewels up the street from my school. I kept a job growing up. Age 13, 14, 15, 16,  17, 18 and beyond I worked and saved.
Life was back to normal and I was back on track. I was blessed to be given such great opportunities and I couldn't let Steve down again. If you are reading this book Steve just know I did get my degree.
Anyway, Laura was cool. I liked her and most of all I like looking at her booty. The chick had ass for days and I never seen a day where she did wear spandex.
She cared for all her boys and treated us as good as she treated her own kids.
Her kids liked us too. Lala use to play with my ears and I played basketball with the twins.
We even had a house pet. We had a yellow Labrador named Max. Max was an old dog approximately fifteen years old but he was super smart and we bonded fast. I was indeed the caretaker of the dog before long and jealousy built up over that fact that I had so much control over him.
My biggest problem at this home was the other boys sneaking into my room while I was at work and stealing shit.
My relationship with the other boys was cool even though they was not sure if I was gay.
I was never a thug type and if you were not a thug or gang banger you had to be gay.  Tony, Malcolm, Bo, val, and half pint rounded out the crew.
I was the only one with no girlfriend so that didn't help.
Little did Tony and Malcolm know their girlfriends wanted me bad. 15 yrs later I bumped in to Tony's baby momma and we made up for lost time 😆. It was well worth the wait.
I didn't stay single long though. There were some love interest brewing at school and at work but was I ready for love again?

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