I Struck Silver

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I looked to the party line once again for love after Donna and fond another young lady. Her name was Silverine.  Smith. Silver was 10 years younger than me and she was almost five months pregnant when we met.
This young lady was absolutely beautiful. I had a trend of beautiful girlfriends going. She was 21 and out of all the girls I had dated she had the second best body behind Lynn.
I didn't mind her being pregnant because I had no biological kids and I had a deep yearning to be a dad.
I just didn't want a kid without a wife so I kept using condoms. With Silver being pregnant I had no need for those. She had a clean bill of health and so did I. After my girlfriend Adrian every girl I would ever want to have unprotected sex with had to be tested. Adrian made me get tested Eve though we used condoms 95% of the time and she was on birth control.
She gave me a good habit to take with me though.
She wanted me tested because she wanted to feel the real dick sometimes. It only happened 4 times but you can tell she loved it way more than using the condoms.
With Silver being pregnant I didn't have to worry about kids and she had no STD's yet her being pregnant was concerning. Let's be honest here. It was not my baby and I felt so odd at the thought of thumping this kid in the head with my dick.
Silver didn't have any issues with me playing the bongos in her kids head. I slipped right into the day role. I wanted to birthing classes, Lamaze classes and doctor appointments.
I would bathe her, wipe my ass and go on midnight runs for her cravings after a long days work. Her mom loved me. She lived me so much she asked me to give up my place and move in with them. Silver still lived with her mom. Her mom was married but he was old and worked long nights as a restaurant owner.
He was happy they had a man in home while he was away. He liked me too. I was at work one day and got a call from my Captain to go home because the baby was on the way.
I was 40 mins away but got a police escort that took 15 minutes off that drive.
I got to the hospital and it was not long before the doctor said "it's a boy" Dation Smith had arrived. He wasn't my biological son but I was ready to be his dad.
What could go wrong? Me and Silver were good for 3 year but that fourth year she changed. This was why I hated dating young women because they were prone to do young immature shit.
Silver was a beautiful young lady but beyond naive and she needed to dress sexy to feel good about herself. I will never forget the argument we had before we were about to go out one day. She was sitting on the couch and I said it's time to get dressed, we have to leave. She said "I'm dressed already". I said why don't you put on some pants or some shorts. "She said I already have on some shorts"! Her shorts were so tiny that when she was sitting down it looked like she had nothing on from the wait down.
I asked her to change clothes and she refused. I collaborated with her mother and her mother agreed that the shorts were indeed  just too small. Silver started crying.
"I get tired of fighting assholes because you don't want to put on some damn clothes".
Can we just go out one time where I can enjoy myself along with you and not be in defense mode the whole day?
She changed but that was the beginning of the end for us.
4 years had passed and it was time for young Silver to step up as a woman and parent so I decided to give her the boost someone once gave me.
I gave her my old car and bought a new one.
Then I got her a job working at a city facility. Her first day after work was very interesting. She came home and told me about this supervisor of hers and she seemed really excited to be working with him. From the things that she was telling me it sound like he was on some game. Man recognizes another man's game. Every day after work she would come home and talk about her supervisor. It was always something new. My supervisor was reading the Bible and he wants to teach me the Bible. My supervisor wants me to go to church or my supervisor wants me to tone down the way I dress. Why would you tone down the way you dress for a man that you just met but not for your boyfriend? After a while it became all about him. They would go out together and I would complain. She would repeat to me that they were just friends but he was getting my damn time. Silver told me I can go out with them if I wanted to but she didn't pay attention to me at home so why would I want to go out with the both of them and her continued not to pay me any attention?
That would make me feel like the third wheel.
She even stopped having sex with me. One day I was begging for pussy and she said when I get off the phone with him I will sleep with you.
First off, when did I come in second to him? She never understood that. She talked to him into the wee hours of the night even though they work together every day. They talked till she fell asleep. The next morning I was heated. She said that she couldn't take me being jealous and insecure anymore and broke up with me that morning.
It was the end of me and silver after four years. I put in all that effort and this is what I got? About a month later I get a phone call from Silver  and I hear her mother in the background repeating the words tell him Silver. Silver informs me that she is pregnant but I know me and her had and had sex in a month.
She told me that it was the guy at  work baby. She also informed me that he told the church  she was a hoe and he was seduced by her.
She kept telling me how I didn't know I'm when we were together and I kept saying that she didn't know him either.
After getting what he wanted from Silver he went back to his  wife and his 16 other kids. I told Silver that he saw a naive attractive woman and just wanted some pussy day one but she didn't want to hear it.
He did his best to cause conflict between me and Sliver to get her to break up with me just so he could get laid. She told him about how I didn't like her clothes and how I was complaining about her time with him and he probably told her he could love her better. If he was just your friend why are you pregnant by him 30 days later? Another failed relationship but  what else is new? Karma hit silver pretty hard because she eventually moved out of her mother's house and move to a southern part of Illinois.  She bumped into a couple of neighbors that thought she was rather attractive and invited her to a party. She called me and told me about it and I formed her not to go but never learning was her downfall. She decided to go anyway and the guys at the party plotted and succeeded in raping her repeatedly. Silver had a habit of making bad decisions. I always guarded her from those bad decisions but sometimes people just have to take their lumps.
Eventually I got tired of her and her bad decisions and just moved on.
She did ask me to get back with her but I'm not Captain save a hoe and her pussy had just too much traffic in a short period of time. You got the boss guy plus the 9 to 12 men that raped her.
Not to mention how she put another man before me. I bumped into her years later she didn't look good anymore and she had not matured.
She was still talking about how I didn't like her clothes nor did she stop dressing so sexy. She now has five kids, raped by 9-12 men, tricked out of her pussy and treated like a cum dump, and almost raped again on a CTA train but you don't learn from that?
She did me a favor by leaving just like Adrian did. Would I ever find love?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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