Michael & Lea Meet Anthony & Molly

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Lea's POV:

I show up at Michael's hotel room door. I knock on it, I hope he isn't sleeping right now.   The door opens and I see Michael. He doesn't look like he did in my dream last night. He just looks like his normal self again (thank god!). He squints his eyes a little and he ruffles his hair a bit as well. He looks at my forehead closely and he looks at me concerned. "What happened to your forehead??" He asks me.

"Well I...I sleepwalk sometimes. S-so I must ha-have smacked myself in the face with something. When I woke up this morning, my head was aching a bit, and I looked in the mirror. I noticed that I had a bump on my forehead, so I j-just decide to put a bandage around my head" that's my explanation for him, but I'll tell you guys right now...no. Just no.

He looks at me, processing what I just told him. "Hmm...interesting. Well I hope you feel better soon" Michael says to me with a smile. I smile back at him and I just nod my head. "Oh, anyways. You should come to the library with me" I tell him, as I go inside his hotel room. He shuts the door behind us. "I guess we I could, but may I ask why?" Michael asks.

"To do some research. I walking through town this morning, and I happened to overhear this blonde boy and this brown haired girl talk about some guy with a glove" I explain to him, and I throw a pair of clothes at Michael's face. "Ah, hey! Watch the hair" Michael whines. I just smirk at him and I snicker a little. He goes into the bathroom and changes. "So...what are you getting at here?" Michael asks, continuing the conversation.

"I dreamt about a man with a glove last night. Most goddamn terrifying dream I've ever had in my life!" I tell him from the other side of the bathroom door. He then opens the bathroom door, he looks at me with a smirk. I look at him and I for some reason blush a little. "What?" I ask him, wondering why he's smirking at me right now. "A man wearing a glove scares you?" Michael asks, but he's trying to hold back a laugh. "What? Oh dear...I mean like a man who has long arms, his skin looks like he's been through hell. A man with a torn hat and a demonic voice! You were in my dream, and you turned into him" I tell him in a dead serious tone.

He stops himself from laughing, and looks at me sympathetically. "Oh...I'm sorry about that. It's just the one you made it sound was like...it didn't make sense" he says to me. I laugh a little, and I shake my head. "Yeah, that'd just be nonsense" I say, rolling my eyes afterwards. "Anyhoo, apparently I'm not the only one dreaming about him. So I want to see if there's anything I can find about...whatever is going on here" I tell him, and he exits the bathroom. "Just let me get my shoes on, then we can go" Michael says as he goes and gets his shoes. "Wait...are you supposed to be doing film stuff today?" Michael asks. "It got cancelled for some reason" I tell him, I'm not certain as to why though.

We then leave the hotel, and we head to the local library. "Hi! Do you have any books about maybe like...the town's history or any famous people from here?" I ask this random librarian. She scans around the library. "Maybe in the nonfiction or historical section" she informs me. "Thanks" I tell her, then Michael and I go over the historical section. "I'm guessing that that this is the right section" Michael says as he scans the books. He then grabs a book from the shelf and he laughs for randomly. "Hitler. Oh my" he remarks.

I scoff at him and he looks me with his eyebrows raised. "Do you even know what you are looking for exactly?" Michael asks me, truthfully...no I do not. "I...I don't actually" I tell him, now I feel kind of lost. I then happen to spot the same blonde haired boy and the same red head from this morning. An idea suddenly pops into my head. "Excuse us. I need to talk to you two" I say as I approach them.

They both stop walking and talking, and they turn to face me. "Who are you?" The boy asks me with a weird glance. "I'm Lea, and this is my friend Michael" I answer, and I point at Michael. "Oh...well I'm Anthony, and this is my friend Molly. We're actually gonna be in a movie together soon" he says to us cheerfully. "Oh nice! Well...I happened to overhear you guys talking this morning about a strange man with a weird glove" I tell Molly and Anthony. They both look at me with wide eyes. They look at each other, then they look again with serious expressions on their faces.

Anthony then takes a few steps towards us. "Listen...I need to know. Do happen to dream about Freddy Krueger? A ghostly maniac with blades for fingers?" Anthony asks quietly. I look at him surprised, so I'm not the only one after all. I nod my head slowly, and he looks at me shocked. He then looks at Molly and she looks taken back. "We came here to find some background on Freddy, and apparently he used to live here in Springwood. He was a murderer, he killed kids and his mom apparently was some nun who got raped in jail and that's how Freddy was conceived" Anthony shares some info with us.

"Oh my god...that's why we came here. Thank you for that" I thank Anthony, that at least gives us something. "There were some cop cars out last night...I saw on the news early this morning that apparently...the cops found a couple dead teens in their homes" Molly tells the three of us. I look at her and I feel suddenly nervous. Like super duper nervous at the moment.

"Lea, are you okay?" Michael asks, noticing my change of demeanor. I look at him and I nod my head. "Don't worry, you're not the only one at least" Anthony I guess tries to be reassuring. I look at him like he's nuts. "Anthony, that's not a good thing! That means that young people like us are clearly being targeted by some psycho or demon. We could be in terrible danger!" I exclaim, but then some librarian looks at us with an attitude and shushes us. "Molly and I need to go. But...here's my number. We may need to come back together at some point" he says and he hands Michael a small slip of paper. Then they both wave at us, and they then head out.

Molly's POV:

"I can't believe this, Anthony! It turns out I'm not crazy after all then! If there is more people experiencing these nightmares. Then we need to do something!" I urgently tell him. "Agreed...but we still need to talk to that Matthew Broderick guy. He's the first person I've heard about that has had a nightmare about Freddy Krueger" Anthony says. I forgot about Matthew, but I think that would be good. Considering he even brought back some evidence apparently from his dream. "How are we going to find him though? I mean...he probably lives in a mansion and is really famous and well hidden around here" I ask Anthony, because I have no ideas.

Anthony takes a moment to think. He then places a hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes deeply. "I heard that Matthew's gonna be at the local mall downtown. He'll be signing autographs, so maybe that's how we can meet him" Anthony suggests an idea that may be brilliant. "That could work! Although...what can he sign for us as way to get to him?" I then ask puzzled.

"I don't know really...maybe print out a picture of him. Or maybe there's a magazine with him in it. If we can find some, we can buy them and cut out some pictures of him" Anthony immediately answers. He then grabs my hand and we start walking. "Where are we going?" I ask Anthony, wondering where he's leading us. "We are going to a store...maybe a gas station. There might be some magazines about the story from the WarGames premiere. I'll bet there is something in one about the news report from a couple days ago" Anthony says. I'm glad I have him with me, he's got big brains.

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