Cary Talks To Matthew's Mother

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Cary's POV:

A little while after watching the news report. I decided that it would be very kind of me to console her. As far as I know, they don't have any family or friends here besides the group. But I personally wouldn't really consider us to be friends.

My hotel room is not far from Matthew's, so I decide to make a trip down to it. I knock on the door gently, I'm already feeling really guilty and bad because of what happened. Matthew just unfortunately got caught up in the danger zone. The door opens, and I see an older woman standing there with her face red and depressing.

I almost don't want to look at her, because of how heartbreaking it is to look at her. "Can I help you?" She asks, her voice reminds me of Lea's when she lost Michael.

"I'm a friend of Matthew's. Or I should say, him and I got well acquainted recently. I just wanted to stop by and check on you. I just lost a friend the other day, so I understand. I-I know I don't have a family of my own. But I get it" I tell her sympathetically.

The poor woman has a handkerchief held up to her face. Just so she may not break down crying in front of me. "Come in" she says, and I go inside. "I appreciate this. No one has really come by. People have said 'sorry for your loss' or 'are you okay?', and don't get me wrong. I appreciate that, but I'm clearly not okay" her voice almost sounded like a sob at the end of that.

I couldn't exactly save Lea in our nightmare. I understand how she may feel. "I knew something was wrong. I just had a feeling, because Matthew wasn't really acting like himself. I found him on his bed this morning..." she begins to say, but then she starts crying silently into her handkerchief.

I end up pulling her in for a hug gently, because I feel it is the right thing to do. Someone who just lost a family member or friend is just more than devastating. That's what happens when you have an emotional attachment to someone. Lea...that costed her life...because Freddy took advantage of that. He took advantage of Matthew in a way too.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Broderick" I say to her with compassion and understanding. I think me referring to her as that triggered something in her mind. "Oh gosh...please, take care of our son. I look forward to seeing you two again someday" she says (I am assuming she's talking to god or their spirits) now she's sobbing out loud. We are still hugging, and I feel fucking horrible now.

She then buries her face into my shoulder, and she drops the handkerchief. "He was my baby, and I lost him!" She cries, this is making me depressed and now I want to cry honestly. This is a mother crying out for her child, and she lost her husband not long ago.

"I don't care how old Matthew would have gotten. I don't care if he was 21. He was my sweet baby boy!" I hug her a little tighter. You know why this is also pretty hard for me? Because if we would've thought of our final plan sooner...then this most likely could have been prevented!

Maybe it's my fault...Michael, Jon, and Matthew are dead because my brain is slow. No...Freddy was just know what happened to Lea. I saw it happen, and I tried saving her, but my body was weak! But I finally got up after...why couldn't do it sooner?!

I don't know how Michael and Jon died, but it doesn't matter...any death to an innocent person...young or old...if you make fun of someone going through something...fuck off! I was jealous of Matthew a little, but it was stupid! Freddy making his life a living hell when he'd's cruel!

Matthew can't wake up...he can't wake up on the inside, neither can the dead people. All because of someone who was stupid, manipulative, in control, and abused their power...fuck off. It's making me so angry...what I just thought about.

I'm glad that Mia, Molly, and Anthony can live their lives, as well as any teen. Because whether you are a famous person or matter! The famous ones are just known...but you really should stay true to you. Because some famous people gets their lives "taken away" or twisted.

"Listen...your son was a great guy. He's okay, he's not in danger anymore. He's free, and your husband's free. They aren't suffering, because they had strong spirits when they were's happening now..." I console her the best I can think of at the moment.

She smiles at me in an appreciative but sad way. "Thank you so much! You are a wonderful man, and I hope you aim high and accomplish your dreams and goals. I hope you meet someone wonderful and have a life with them" she tells me sincerely. I smile at her, and I can feel a tear slip from my eye.

"That means a lot to me. Thank you! And I am...I'm truly devastated about what happened to your son. No one deserved to die" I tell her, also being sincere. She looks at me a little confused. "No deserved to die? Who else died?" She asks me, she sounds a little alarmed.

"Oh, there were some new reports about other teens dying. A few of our friends have died as well. I think someone murdered them. Whoever it is..." I begin to say, but she cuts me off "Deserves hell...lots and lots of hell!" she says sounding angry. I nod my head in agreement.

I apologize...I'm just not in the best mood right now" she says as she grabs her handkerchief off the floor. "It's fine! Today's been a really shitty day. I mean, I know it's definitely more difficult and upsetting for you. It's affected me and touched my heart in unfortunate ways" I say in an understanding tone. She nods her head in agreement. "'s different for everyone. Family or friends, it can still be just as heartbreaking as this" she sighs with a sigh.

"But I just want you to know...that I wish you the best" I tell her. "You too!" She says back with a smile. "I miss my baby" she says, and a few more tears slip from her upsetting eyes. "I miss my hubby too" she adds, I know she isn't saying this to make me feel a tremendous amount of guilt...but I feel seriously guilty and shitty. Not because of her-herself, but you know what I mean.

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