Matthew And His Mom Get Into An Argument

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Matthew's POV:

Jon had gone out to do something. I think something with Cary, because they are trying to clear their heads apparently. Besides that, they seem to be becoming buddies. I figured since they are going out, I made a request that they go back to the library or ask around. Just to dig up hopefully some more answers about Freddy Krueger. Meanwhile, I just got back from a local diner (I had a 'date' with Molly and Anthony. We are trying to at least create some good and worthwhile memories here. But yes, the topic of Freddy has come up).

"Matthew...I think we need to have a talk" my mom calmly says as she is laying down on her bed. I take a seat next to her, and I give her my undivided attention. "What's up?" I ask, I have hunch as to what she wants to discuss w/ me about. You can probably guess too, we might be having the same thought. She looks at me, straight into my eyes. With her hands intertwined and relaxing on her stomach. "Matthew...I'm getting worried about you. It's like ever since we came here, strange things have been happening to you. I feel like you are changing...I don't mean that as in are turning crazy. But you and I both know that there is no such thing as evil spirits or the paranormal" My mom explains.

I sigh in an annoyed way. "You know, I've tried telling you what's wrong. I haven't gotten into detail about it, because this exactly how I thought you'd react. Isn't a parent supposed to worried about their kid's matter what the situation is?!" I exclaim in frustration. She then sits up, and she looks at me with an attitude. "Yes! And what? You think I'm not concerned about you? Hell, I'm worried about you! You have a red mark on your stomach, you've been staying up all night. You've been getting pretty sassy lately, and your attitude quite frankly sucks!" My mom argues.

"My attitude sucks?! What attitude?! I'm only having an attitude, because you are automatically assuming that I'm basically going crazy somehow. You're just not flat out admitting that!" I then exclaim angrily. "Oh come on! I'm your mother, I love you! I wouldn't ever think you're crazy" my mom tries to defend herself against that. I roll my eyes, and then I stand up.

"Just because you are my mom, doesn't mean jack shit! Parents automatically assume often that when a kid hangs out with friends or their lovers. That they must be doing something bad! As if sex or drugs, or alcohol...whatever the case may be are the culprit every time! Parents ask their kids what's wrong when they feel down. They ask their kids 'how was your day at school?' but they don't seem to ever ask 'how are you feeling today?'. I could be in serious danger...not necessarily because I'm in some cult or I committed a crime. But maybe because someone is out to get me!" I argue, but I raised my voice a bit too much.

My mom then suddenly goes silent, but she looks pretty pissed though. "What if you are ending up like your character from WarGames? He seemed pretty careless and his curiosity got the best of him" My mom then suggests. "Are you kidding me right now? I told Jon this the other day. There's a time when I act...and when I act serious. I've been doing just that. I'm immature and ignorant only if I doubt the possibilities of things. That can be very dangerous. I am not David Lightman, I am Matthew Broderick. You've known me my whole life. I have never done anything outrageous, I sure as hell am not crazy. So for you to question that, especially when you've heard about the murders of those teenagers. Also not to mention the fact that I have across others who are going through the same thing as me. How can I be crazy? We'd all have to be now wouldn't we?"

My mom gets quiet again, but she looks at me softly and not so pissy now. "Believe what you want to believe. Just don't be ignorant...or arrogant for that matter" I advise her. Take that advice please. Anyone reading this, consider that and take it. "I-I'm sorry, Matthew...I just don't...I really don't believe that some evil spirit or whatever you dream about is trying to kill you" My mom in much calmer tone says.

"It's possible...anything is. I'm not the only one, and this evil entity stands out then. This is dangerous" I tell her dead serious. "What about Mia's mother? What does she think of all this?" My mom then asks. "As far as I know...she doesn't seem to think she's crazy. She's just skeptical, but she's not making her daughter feel crazy. She's even taking a cautionary approach" I answer her question.

"What do you mean?" She asks me, with a confused look on her face. "The police. Especially since there has been some murders going on around here" I say. "Oh...that is very wise of her" my mother says, I think she has nothing really left to argue over now. "I don't think you're crazy...but is it possible that you may emotionally disturbed somehow?" My mom makes a suggestion that really speaks out to me in a way.

"What?" I ask her, I'm not quite sure what that means. "Well...your father died a few months ago...back in November. Is it possible that maybe you feel very distraught and you are emotionally going through a hard time still of grief and loss? Maybe your mind is messing with you, but I'm not calling you crazy. I'm just saying, maybe that's what it is" I get emotional just thinking about my Dad's death. It was very recent, and that killed me inside. Because a piece of my heart got shattered and collapsed everywhere (that is true btw. His dad did die back in November of 1982 because of cancer I think). I felt numb inside, and I was only 20 years old.

I then look away from her, and I hide my face. My scrunches up like I'm gonna cry and I can feel the tears forming. But I for some reason don't want my mother to see my face at the moment. "That was very difficult" my mom says, I can tell she's choking up a bit on her words slightly.

I nod my head, because that is all I can really do right now. I cover up my face with one hand, and the tears starts flowing. "Matthew? Are you okay, sweetheart?" My mom asks, noticing my sudden mood shift and demeanor change. She then walks over to me, and she finds that I'm currently very emotional and sad right now. She looks at me as my reaction to what she said broke her heart. She then hugs me tightly and I hug her back. I'm glad that my mother is still alive and present in my life. I am very grateful to have her, and the argument from a little bit ago...that could have turned out more uglier. Or just more worse.

I then take a moment to pull myself together again. I wipe away my tears, this is what emotional and very serious situations do to you. They can tear you to shreds, they can break you down, they can tire you the fuck out. Break your spirit, break your heart. They can also kill you and hurt you severely.

We then stop hugging and we just look at each other. My mom smiles at me empathetically and with motherly love and care. "I'm sorry about raising my voice at you earlier. I shouldn't have done that, I apologize" I tell my mom sincerely. She then caresses my cheek, she doesn't seem bothered by the argument. "It is what it is. That's what can happen, we both stand our grounds" she says, that sounds pretty wise. I nod my head in agreement, then I look down at the ground. "You are strong, and you don't take shit from anybody. Continue doing that, and stand up for what truly matters and what is right to you. And yes...with an open mind" she says to me.

I smile at her, although it may look very sad. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to bring up your father like that to upset you..." my mom says, just in case she may have caused me some MORE emotional stress or whatever. "No, no. It's okay, really. I don't think it's that, but maybe it's partially why I am so invested in making things better around here...with help of course. Because young innocent people...since they seem to be the targeted ones here. Including myself, could lose their lives" I explain to her. "Just do what you can, stay safe, and definitely have the police involved too!" My mom advises.

"But I really am worried about you. Just at least attempt to get some sleep tonight...I'll even lay by you if that would help" my mom suggests. "Well...I mean, that could work" I think about it. "I know it's mostly like a little kid thing. But I don't care,  health is important. And you're right, parents seem to be quite stereotypical in ways. Some are just...interesting" my mom says, I personally agree with her somewhat.

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