Cary Comes Up W/ A Plan

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Cary's POV:

"First off...I am very sorry about Michael and Jon. Second, having said that...this is just proves that we need to do something about it" Mia says to us, but she sounded more empathetic towards Matthew and Lea at the beginning of her sentence. "It's not easier said than done, Mia" Molly says. "It just seems to make sense..." I think out loud. The group looks at me, very curious to hear what I have to say.

"Is it really coincidental that Michael and Jon died? Not long after our first meeting?" I ask them. "Freddy's being petty" Lea says bitterly. "Yes, but why? I think he's trying to get play with our fears" Anthony adds. " shit" Matthew says, acting like Anthony is Captain Obvious. Anthony looks away, as if feeling maybe a little dumb or awkward because of his own response. There's a moment of silence. "I'm sorry, I just...doesn't any horror movie villain pretty much do that?" Matthew asks him.

Anthony shrugs, but then he nods his head. "I think it's more than just fears personally. Matthew, I think it's nothing against Lea. But the fact that it is upsetting Lea, considering that her and Michael had a connection...Freddy could care less about who he hurts. Which yes, that basically is any careless or narcissistic...psychotic being" Lea just looks down and she looks very sad, and I do feel bad. But Freddy Krueger doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything but his power and wants and needs. He is therefore...abusing his any powerful and manipulative person would do. Freddy is manipulating our dreams...well some of us anyway.

"So if he doesn't care about whoever he goes after...why does it seem like he is trying to get me?" Matthew asks me, but it just disturbs him...that thought (understandable of course). I don't have the answer for that at the moment, but I get an idea that isn't exactly the most helpful really in a sense. Because some of us may be too emotional or thoughtless to even come up with anything significant right now. "It was after our first meeting...what their dreams in a way...showed why?" Mia comes up with a thought, that I personally think is a good question to start with.

"I don't have an answer for that unfortunately" I respond with no helpful answer. "Just die" Lea says, she sounds quite upset and bitter. We all look at her, but it's with confusion and concern and spooked and with curiosity. "Lea...dying is not the finding the answers we need. Especially with won't be happy, Jon and Michael may not be happy in the afterlife" I tell Lea calmly, but I'mtrying to be very clear.

"Besides, I'm sure Michael would want you to live your life to the happy. Even if it's not with him, you have the opportunity that Michael would want you to take" Molly tries to reason well with Lea. But Lea looks very sad and like she's gonna cry from that last part.

"I want Freddy gone!" Lea says with a hint of anger in her voice. But she's starting to cry, but she's trying to hide it in some way. Mia and Molly go over to Lea & Matthew, and they try to comfort them. But especially Lea at the moment, Matthew is actually taking this...well? I don't know about well, but he's not breaking down. But then again, I think it's definitely different with Michael, you can probably guess why. I think Matthew just wants to know what the fuck is going on and why it's happening. Meanwhile, Lea just wants to get some justice for Michael and terminate Freddy. Either way, everyone handles things differently...but with their strength and attitude...they may survive.

"They were talking about theories...they were about what happened to Matthew" Anthony brings up. I look at him, remembering that. "So it's...not really personal? It's just...what?!" Matthew asks eagerly and he's agitated. "You're would be easily" I tell him, thinking that Matthew really may be the one who's likely to easily get killed. Mia looked up awkwardly when I said that I noticed.

"So think because of Matthew's dream...and Matthew's evidence as well...I think some of us may have it worse. Or...Freddy is playing with our emotions and taking it too far...yes I know...there's gotta be more to that" Anthony says. "I think if you experience so much fear or sadness or anger..." I kinda hope someone may pick up on what I'm trying to hint at here. The group just looks at each other, trying to think about different possibilities. "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself?" "That high emotions can draw in negative energy?" Molly suggested the first thought, and Lea suggested the 2nd thought.

I look at them, and I slowly smile as I am pleased with their statements. "Yes and yes" I tell them, they seem happy that they came up with good suggestions. "What if we overpower our emotions...and not fear Freddy? Like show no fear, and be brave and drown out the negativity and fear?" Matthew asks me. " have inspired a plan" I tell them with a grin.

"And what is that?" Lea asks. "What if we can all somehow be in the same dream? What if Freddy is watching us? And we need to stick together, and especially protect Matthew and Lea. I strongly suggest that, because they be even more vulnerable to their deaths" I tell the group. They think about it for a moment or two. "You think that could work? Or at least maybe have some of us in the same nightmare...but prepared?" Molly asks me, they all seem to be on board with the idea. At least I Hope most of them are, because it may be our best bet.

"At this point, I'm fine with whatever. I just...I want that damn bastard gone forever!" Lea says, and that triggered her to start crying. I do think that Freddy is being very petty at this point. We haven't heard any reports other than about Jon and Michael's deaths. "I'm sorry for your guy's losses" I tell them empathetically, Anthony and Molly nod their heads in agreement.

"It is very shitty, and we certainly didn't ask for this. But that's...I guess life does to you" I tell them. "Why does it have to be that way? This is beyond any obstacle that life can possibly throw at you" Mia says, and she is correct. "I know. I know. I don't have an answer for that, and this just proves how ignorant and arrogant some people can be when they claim that even the craziest things aren't real" I tell her. "So who is willing to try out the plan?" I ask the group.

They all think about it, some of them look nervous. Some of them look scared, and some of them look confident and pissed. Lea raises her hand high, Matthew reluctantly does the same. Mia looks nervous about the idea. "I don't know if I will or not" she says to me. "It's kind of a thing of decide now. Because the sooner we do the plan, the better" I tell Mia. She sighs and she looks down at the ground. "I never met the dude. I don't plan on meeting him, besides...well...I think I can be strong. Not show any fear" Anthony assures me. "Emotions will be our enemy between Freddy and us. Just remember that. Please" I advise them, and I hope that they will engrave that into their minds.

So Anthony then raises his hand, leaving Mia and Molly with no decision yet. "I'm sorry but...I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pass" Mia makes up her mind. "We're only teenagers. Do you really think we are mature enough and safe enough to do it?" Molly asks me. "Molly, if you don't think that you are gonna be able to do it. Then don't do it, everyone has their limits, and I understand that. Sometimes I forget that there are teens in this room. Besides us adults" I tell her in an understanding tone.

"I'm not gonna do it" Molly decides. "Honestly, that's probably for the best. Not because you guys are teens and girls.'s definitely safer" I tell Mia and Molly, I then glance over at Anthony, "I don't think you should do it either, Anthony" I tell him, he looks at me like he disagrees but he just nods his head. " you think you could strong enough mentally and emotionally to do this?" I ask her, just trying to make sure and be cautious. "I should just get it out of my system now" she says as she wipes more tears away. "What?" Matthew asks her confused.

"The fact that I'm so emotional right now" she answers, she sounds very emotional. Just as she looks, that emotional. "You sure, Lea? And how about you Matthew?" I ask them both cautiously. "I'll be fine" Matthew replies. "I'll do it. I just need some time to myself first. Just at least for an hour or two. Because whether there is a rush or not. I'm gonna avenge Michael, and Jon and the dead teens. But I need to suppress my emotions somewhat beforehand" Lea explains. I nod my head, I respect her needs as well as the others. "I'm ready when you two are" Matthew says to us confidently.

"As for you guys should get going now. Just know that we aren't leaving you guys out to be dicks. We just care about your guy's safety" I tell Molly, Mia, and Anthony. "We understand. It's not a problem" Molly says with a smile. "Good luck, you guys" Anthony says. "I wish you all the best" Mia adds. We all smile at them, and we decide to hug each other. Why? Because in spite of only knowing each other for a short amount of time. This is what has brought us together. And we are going to end if it's the last thing we do.

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