The Group Chats

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Third Person POV:

"I can't believe it. We're actually here" Anthony says surprised. The whole group managed to get together at Matthew's hotel room. They think now is a good time to Ali about everyone's story. Everyone's nightmares as a group, and anything they know. "I think the people here who haven't had nightmares are Anthony, Michael, and Jon. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong" Matthew says. "You are correct, my good sir" Jon responds, anthony and Michael nod their heads in agreement.

"It's been affecting me and Lea" Molly then shares. "As well as myself, and Lea and I have actually appeared in the same nightmare recently" Mia adds to the conversation. "It appears that there's only been a few of us sharing nightmares. But a few of us are getting the worst of it" Cary then says, he takes a seat next to Jon on Matthew's mom's bed. "Some of us have actually brought evidence back from our nightmares. In which I am referring to Matthew, but something very terrifying left an impact on him the other night. Go ahead and share, Matthew" Cary says, looking at Matthew.

Matthew then hesitates for a moment, but he stands up and he takes off his shirt. He reveals to the group the red mark from his last nightmare. Mia and Lea blush slightly but try to pay attention, the rest of the group looks shocked and surprised. "What the hell??" Michael says, looking at the mark. "How did that happen?!" Mia asks Matthew concerned and very curious to find out.

"This is a result of my last nightmare that almost caused me to drown in the bath. This piece of evidence on my stomach, as well as what I have right here" Matthew explains to the group, and he holds up the torn piece of clothing from Freddy's shirt for the group to view. The group thinks about it, why is Matthew the one being targeted mostly? "You seem to have it worse, Matthew. What was that mark from exactly?" Michael then asks Matthew. "The shower nozzle was burning hot, so I pushed a part of my body up against it to wake myself up. My mom thinks I've been acting unusual lately" Matthew shares. "Same!" Mia says, she's in the same boat as Matthew basically with her mother.

"I just wonder..." Michael begins to say, but he pauses. The group then turns their attention to Michael now. "What is it?" Lea asks him. He looks at Lea, and he contemplates something. "I just have a theory. I think if you fear something or someone, it can make the fear overpower you" Michael suggests a theory. The group listens in, some of them are trying to think about it. Maybe a few even trying to come up with their own. "Yeah, I mean. You gotta take into account the fact that some of us are dreaming with others. Why is that?" Jon then asks curiously. "Maybe because the ones we dream with end up somehow being significant. Or will be in the future maybe" Cary tries answering that for Jon, but he just shrugs his shoulders.

"Cary, you and I have been talking to each other lately. But we haven't been in the same nightmare. I haven't even had one" Jon says. "Perhaps because you are somewhat a skeptic. And I didn't even realize it" Matthew suggests. "Hold on" Michael says, everyone then looks at him again and gets quiet. Michael closely examines Matthew's red mark. "Hmm. What if an imprint can lead to something more?" Michael asks Matthew. Matthew looks at him with worry and confusion. "Wait, Lea. How exactly did you wake up from our dream?" Mia suddenly asks Lea. "I banged my forehead against the wall by my bed in my trailer. Hard enough to where it woke me up, but I had a really bad headache" Lea answers, thinking back to her nightmare w/ Mia.

Michael anxiously gazes at Lea after she said that. He then walks over to her, they just look at each other for a moment. Then Michael looks back at Matthew again. "You two may be more vulnerable for something more" Michael says. "How?" Molly asks him. "Because, think about it. Unless if anybody else here got imprinted by the dream somehow. It got me thinking, Matthew and Lea", Michael looks at Lea with a pause and he looks at her very alarmed by his theory.

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