Matthew & Jon Reunite/ Matthew Chats W/ Molly & Anthony

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*The next day*
Matthew's POV:

"Matthew, dear friend! It's great to see you again" Jon greets me when I open my hotel room door. I smile at him and I give him a hug. "I know, it's been ages" I jokingly say to him. "Well buddy, I'm here to help. did mention something about supernatural I right?" Jon tries to recall a previous conversation we had recently over the phone (if you guys remember).

"Yes! saw what happened to me on the news right?" I ask Jon. He nods his head. "Okay well...I fell asleep at the premiere at one point. But I had pretty horrific dream, and it turns out...the monster or whatever it was that I dreamt about. Somehow others have dreamt of the same person as well" I explain to Jon. He looks at me as he thinks about the information.

"Has it occurred to you that maybe you and other people have watched a horror movie recently. So maybe that could be why?" Jon leans forward (he is sitting on my mom's bed) and he questions that. "What?" I look at him, confused by his words. "I mean like...if you watch a horror film, you're most likely gonna get the image of the monster or creature engraved in your head. Only...what monster?" Jon asks, I'm still confused because I haven't mentioned anything about any scary film.

" I haven't watched any horror movie recently. Besides, this monster hasn't appeared in any movie. And when I woke up from my nightmare, I brought something back from it" I tell him, then I go and take my proof out of a drawer that's apart of the nightstand between the beds. I hand it to Jon so he can examine it. He takes a good look at it, and he looks puzzled.

"This feels like...cotton. Or like it's from a sweatshirt" he says looking back up at me. "Yeah? Well I'm apparently not the only one who recognizes that. Because I came across two other people who happened to be fans of mine who dream about the same mysterious monster" I tell Jon and he hands the evidence back to me, in which I place back in the top drawer.

"Fans? Maybe they're just trying to...comfort you somehow. Or make you not feel insane. I don't know" Jon says. "You don't believe me, do you?" I question him. He looks at me, he seems to be anxious or like he's doesn't know what to say. "I mean...I don't want to call you crazy. I just find it sorta hard to believe because it's such a cliche thing and happens often in movies" Jon makes a valid argument. I just sit down across from on my bed and I sigh. "I get that, Jon. think I'm crazy??" I ask him, looking at him in disbelief.

Now he looks at me nervously. "What? No, of course not! It's just...I haven't thought of this happening in real life. That's all" he says, I can tell he's feeling anxious. "Jon, you're kidding me, right? I called you for help because I know you are into this sort of thing. Into paranormal shit" I firmly say. "You can't be serious. Thinking that such a cliche thing as that would become a reality" Jon tries to convince me. "Jon...there are times when I act. Then there's times when I act serious. Right now...I'm serious! I'm not making this up, I know I'm not crazy considering other people have come forward and admitted that they are experiencing the same spooky shit as myself. Not to mention the fact that there was a news report about two teenage boys found dead last night!" I start ranting, Jon then shuts up. He looks a bit blown away by what I just shared with him.

"Wow...I...don't know what to say" Jon is speechless. I then look at the clock and realize that my meet and greet is in 25 minutes. Crap! "Listen, I got to go do a meet and greet thingy. I'll be back in a little while" I tell him as I put on my shoes and get ready. "Matthew, listen. I'm not trying to make you feel nutty or like you are nuts. I wanna help you. In any way I can" Jon tells me in a serious tone. I smile at him and I pat him on the shoulder. "We'll talk about it more when I get back, alright?" I tell him as I grab my keys and I open the door. "O-okay. Sure thing!" Jon says. I then head out the door.
Anthony's POV:

An 80's Nightmare...Ghostly Figure From HellWhere stories live. Discover now