Mia Talks To Lea & Michael & They Meet Jon

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Mia's POV:

As you can imagine, my mom doesn't seem to buy this whole 'evil entity' crap. She thinks that someone has been sneaking into our hotel room and is trying to harm me or maybe murder me. Also since the fact that there have been reported deaths here in Springwood of teens. My mom fears that I may be one of them. Which don't get me wrong, that is completely understandable. But it also makes me wonder if I've gone insane somehow.

My mom has come up with another conclusion that Cary or Matthew might be trying to mess with me. But I personally don't think so. I think that since we are dreaming about the same mysterious figure...and the fact that there's been reported deaths near this hotel. I don't think I'm insane because those poor dead teenagers could tell us the truth. "We are going to the police station. We found that brown hat in here, and it certainly doesn't belong to us" My mom says as she gets ready.

I just sigh, because I don't think there is a way of convincing my mom of the truth. "Why do you think...the mysterious person could be going after young teens or adults...if it's so?" I ask her, because I want to see it from her side. "Because let's be real here. Teens are vulnerable, immature, and they are unexperienced. Teens aren't always mature enough to handle real life situations. Teens can be easily persuaded into foolish or danger. So whomever it is...is probably taking advantage of that" my mom explains her thoughts.

To be honest...I was a little offended when she didn't specifically say 'some teens'. I look at her, feeling a little hurt. I think she can tell, because she then looks at me with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, honey. I don't mean every teen. I just like some of them. But whoever this weirdo is clearly does not give a crap about who you are. Which means, he must have some kind of motive instead of just doing it to be a weirdo. If that's the case, we need to let the police know and show them this evidence" my mom rants.

"Why don't we just call the cops and have them come over here? Plus...maybe Matthew can as well, since he has proof of what the same man wears" I explain to her my idea. "Mia...enough about the dreams. See, I think Matthew is just trying to freak you out or mess with your mind" my mom says. I shake my head, I can't believe what she's saying! "Mom, how that be?? He was at a premiere for his recent film a few days ago. The piece of evidence is from when he woke up and suddenly had it. Just like me basically" I try to convince her that Matthew, actually not even just him. But any teen who ended up dead or maybe Cary...I don't think they are pulling some prank. Whoever Freddy Krueger is...seems to be manipulative and definitely no joke!

My mom doesn't say anything for a moment. She just looks at me, but it's like she's processing what I had just said to her. "Perhaps it would be good to have him come over then" my mom then agrees with my idea. I then remember that Matthew is staying at the same hotel as me. "Wait...he's staying here at the hotel I think. I can't exactly remember where his room was. But it isn't far from here, I do know that" I tell my mom. I then go peak outside, I notice that I'm next to a staircase that leads down to the 1st floor. I see a girl down there, it seems like she might be waiting out there for someone. Wait a minute...she looks familiar.

I then suddenly feel someone bump into me slightly. It's a boy that looks maybe like he's a few years older than me, and he has brown hair and blue eyes (he looks kinda cute honestly) (It's Michael). "Excuse me, sorry!" he says quickly says apologizing, he seems like he's in a hurry maybe. As I look at them more...they both look so familiar to me. The girl (Lea) then suddenly looks at me, and we both just stare at each other. The boy also stares at me, I think I'm making things awkward. But here's the thing, they aren't looking at me like I'm some random weirdo. They both gaze at me as if I myself am familiar to them.

The girl then comes up the stairs, and she slowly walks towards me. "Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me asking but...actually, you look familiar. Are you like an extra in my movie?" She then asks me. Wait, that's it! The trailers, they had to have been movie trailers! They are nearby the hotel, and my mother and I have passed by them a few times. There's even a studio there, but there are apparently two of them here. I shake my head no, and she just looks lost. "My name is Mia though" I tell her. She then looks at me, her jaw drops a little. "Mia? Call me crazy, but I had a dream a couple nights ago...in my dream, there was a girl named Mia who looked a lot like you" she says to me.

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