The Final Nightmare

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Lea's POV: (The final bad dream begins)

"I had no idea you and I were gonna be in the same hotel room" I tell Cary, I'm almost joking when I say that. "We're taking advantage, I think Freddy knows what we're doing" Cary whispers. "Which...why isn't Matthew here?" I ask him confused, if Freddy knows what our plan is...maybe he doesn't know. Cary looks at me and he is contemplating something. "I have an idea as to why" Cary says, but his tone sounds devastating.

The hotel room door opens, but it leads to a hallway. A hallway where the room the hotel rooms are inside...but that's not how it is here in real life w/ this hotel. Cary and I waste no time to go look out there. It reminds me of the hallway from The Shining. I hear someone calling my name, but it sounds like Michael crying out for me.

I then start feeling super sad, I remember what Cary had advised us recently. So I am going to try to ignore it. I remember feeling fear because I thought I was gonna die when Freddy tricked me. When I found Michael dead after I heard him struggling in his hotel heart died faster than him in his own nightmare.

Cary is noticing how I'm feeling right now, and he places a hand on my shoulder. "Lea...stop" he warns me. It's not him trying to be an asshole, but he knows what can happen. "I'm trying, Cary" I tell him in a slightly choked up voice. I'm once again trying not to cry. "He's trying to get in your head" Cary tells me, I almost feel like I want to blackout for some reason.

"Don't let him in there...emotions can be one of your worst enemies here. Love defeats hate, bravery defeats fear" Cary tries to console me. I try to pull myself together, because Cary is right. But this is really hard! We walk down the long hallway, but then the ground starts feeling like liquid. I look down and I see blood! "Cary..." "I see it" Cary responds quickly as he looks down at the bloody floor.

Suddenly, something appears out of the blood. It's a male, and it looks like Michael and Matthew reaching out for help. I immediately try to go over to them to help them out. But Cary holds me back, and they look like they are dying. "Cary! We gotta help them!" I shriek and I start freaking out. "Lea, stop! Michael's already dead!" Cary exclaims, and I look back at them, they just look like they are dissolving into the blood.

I then start breaking down, but it's more of confusion and panic. "What the fuck is going on?!" I exclaim in a distraught and bamboozled tone. "He's getting in your head, Lea! That's what he's doing...he's messing with both of us!"Cary almost snaps at me, but then he shuts up and looks at me calmly.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you" Cary much more calmer says immediately after. "It's fine...but why is Matthew in there too? Or was it Jon?" "It looked like Matthew, but I'm not sure" Cary replies. Something is drawing me away and taking my attention off of Cary. I then suddenly see myself in a room with black walls, but I can still see. I am all alone, and everything is absolutely dead silent.

Cary's POV:

Lea is so out of it right now, and this is worrying tremendously me. I would try to find a way out of this nightmare, but Lea and I are on a "mission". I'm more concerned about Lea right now, because her losing someone she cared can fuck with you. I then see Lea walk slowly towards the other end of the hallway, she's facing away from me.

She then comes to a halt, and she turns slightly to the wall. She then starts sobbing. She reaches her arms out like she is going to hug someone, and she's making it look like she is hugging someone now.

"You're okay, Michael" Lea's trying to comfort him as if he's there. "You can't take him away!" She sobs quietly, even I start feeling the feels. But wait...that's what Freddy wants me to do...that manipulative son a bitch!

"Get out of her head!" I yell out loud. I then go up to Lea to try to get her and leave. But then Freddy suddenly appears as the thing she's hugging right in front of me. He then backhands me across the face fast, and I end up falling to the ground because he used quite a bit of force! I then touch my face, and I feel a cut on my cheek and it is bleeding a little.

I then see Freddy start kissing Lea...or sucking her face?! It's like he's really taking all the air of out her lungs, because her eyes are bulging! "Freddy!" I angrily call out his name. He doesn't stop, but I can't stop it because that slap made me feel really weak. I then see Lea fall to the ground, and she's no longer breathing from the looks of it.

I then feel angry, but then I realize that she's dead and I can't change that. I try to focus and drain my emotions, but I truly do understand how Lea felt. I feel no fear, I just feel upset. I then get up finally after trying to be strong enough to do so. I told Lea that maybe I should just face him, but that was yesterday. She wanted to do it, I should've just refused.

"His demise is my personal delight" Freddy says smiling...ugly fucking smile. I just look at him with bravery and no fear. "I take back every piece of energy my friends and I and every dead teen gave you" I confidently tell him, he then looks at me in a taken back way. "You have no business with us, and you know what you are? You're a coward. A big fat coward and I refuse to let you ruin me and other people! You piece of shit!" I tell him sternly.

Freddy then begins quickly trying to come at me, in which I happened to find a fire extinguisher as some sort of potential weapon. I go to hit him with it, but he goes through me instead of actually striking me and disappears.

(End of bad dream)

I wake up in my bed, and I feel ease maybe? I feel at ease but I also feel like there's a hole inside of me. I sit up in my bed, and it's morning. I feel at ease because Freddy's gone...but Lea is dead. Along with Jon and Michael...I don't know about Matthew. Jon and Matthew look fairly alike, but I am certain that the whomever it was in the blood pool...was Matthew himself.

I then get a phone call which it startles me because I'm not expecting any phone calls. I answer the phone, and it's Anthony. "Hi...what's going on?" I ask him. "Are you watching tv?" Anthony asks, he sounds bothered slightly. "No...why?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Turn it on and go to the news channel!" Anthony says urgently. I then set the phone down and I right away turn on the tv. As I scroll through the different channels, I pick up the phone. "I think Freddy's gone for good, Anthony" I tell him. "You did it?! Were you alone?" He asks, interested in the information. "No. But Lea's dead..." I tell him in a devastated and sad tone. "The emotions got her, didn't they?" Anthony asks, he even sounds gloomy even more now. "Yes" is all I say to that.

I finally get to the news, and I immediately turn the tv off, and I hang up. I then sit on my bed, and I feel real emotional myself. I was correct...Anthony didn't need to explain...I don't need to watch the news report. I think it happened.

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