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HELLO EVERYONE. this is still very much important. please still spread awareness because this is still happening.

hi everyone. it's mars or l here.
As we know, there is a lot going on in the world right now. But one of the main ones at Protests of George Floyd.

He was a innocent man choked to death by the office Derek Chauvin 4-6 days ago. He kept saying that he couldn't breathe but they wouldn't let him go. He died.

An Innocent fucking man died because of the colour of his skin, which is absolutely wrong.

I've spread many awarenesses on my twitter accounts. And I have Petitions somewhere in there. If you sign a petitions, it can get justice for the many lives killed because of their skin colour.

If you go to the protests, i recommend reading on how to treat a wound of a rubber bullet and tear gas. Please also, have a transportation home.

If you guys say on Elijah Daniels twitter, he explained the escape rout in Los Angeles by Beverly Hills and if you are stuck near there, follow his directions.

There are also numbers to call for bail. It's all over twitter. I don't have it and i can't find it, but i'm sure if you google it it's there.

In this time we must spread awareness to Black Lives Matter and justice for the victims of Police Brutality/Murder.

For my Opinion on the police who murdered George, he deserves to rot in hell and get charged for his crimes right now.

Now, i am not black. I am white and i believe 100% in white privilege. It's real and we are gonna make it Human Privileged. I cannot tell you what to feel and how to feel but i stand with you.

I am not aloud to go to protests as i am young, and apart of the young part that is spreading awarenesses but i advise you too sign petitions !! it takes 2 minutes for 10.

Stay safe out there!! the police are insane and deserve to be stopped.

If you are going to a protest, please PLEASE be safe and read how to treat wounds and tear gas. please stay safe.

Oh!! people who are white, protect blacks !! don't let them stand alone and leave to go somewhere alone. We must stop the world with rights.

If i went over the bar, please tell me !!

stay safe and don't get hurt.
x mars

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