Wolves, Vampires and Witches. Oh My!! (Chapter 13, part 2)

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Greyson gently set Marie down in an oversized leather chair facing the dying fire. He lingered a little longer than necessary to straighten the blanket around her tighter and tuck it across her lap. "I'll give some life back to the fire, your hands are still frozen."

She saw the hesitation in his stance and was about to question it when he turned away and went to the hearth, crouching in front of it. Silence settled between them as he added fresh logs and poked at the embers beneath to push some oxygen between them. It wasn't long before the fire was roaring again and she sighed with the new-found warmth reaching her palms out towards the heat. Greyson stared into the dancing flames, the poker still held tightly in his hands. She wondered if she should say something when he finally spoke up.

"Vampires are extremely dangerous. Some of the elders have developed powers that can convince even the strongest human mind to kill him or herself." Marie cringed with this new knowledge. To know that there was actually a creature like that out there frightened her. Sure, werewolves were terrifying in their own right due to the legend. Before she met Greyson, she would have thought the same, and they did petrify her at first. Still unnerved her actually. But since they proved her innocence, he had been nothing but kind and caring.

"Werewolves do not have the same capabilities. We are very strong, have a keen sense of sight and smell but we cannot make anyone do something against their will. Most of us have a pact with them but like werewolves, they have their own rogues. Our bite is lethal to vampires but humans have no means of protection." He finally stood and walked to the chair adjacent to hers.

"There is a few ways you can tell them apart from mortals. They are cold to the touch. Their skin is very pale; some who haven't fed in a while almost look translucent. Some have an odd smell. Like when you know there is a dead mouse somewhere that you can not find. Those types are especially dangerous...they are feral, do not look them in the eye and try to put as much distance between you and it as possible."

Greyson's grip tightened on the poker, the restriction of the steel having pulled his attention from his thoughts enough to realize he still held it and bent to set it on the floor beside his chair. When he sat up again he looked to her, catching her gaze. The silence sizzled, embers cracking in an untimely offering of romantic environment. She wasn't ready for that, he was still on her shit list for holding her hostage and refusing her leave. The annoyance caused her to clear her throat, breaking the eye contact when she forced herself to her feet. She wasn't quite ready to admit the stirrings in her stomach whenever he was near.

"I really should be getting back to bed. I'm exhausted and I think my brain has acquired enough information for the night." She left without another word and moved back to the stairs. One foot rested on the first step, her hand poised over the polished banister. An inner struggle seemed to ensue before she turned to look at him, smiling shyly. "Thank you Greyson...goodnight."

She didn't wait to hear back from him as she started up the steps, only hearing his soft whisper when she cleared the top one. It caused her to pause and second guess herself. She was a fool for being attracted to the man. He did nothing but turn her life into a living hell. Before her body could betray her, she forced her steps to follow the path back to her room, safely locking herself back inside.

It was better for the two of them to remain like this and nothing more. Giving into the little thumps from her heart would be immature. She wasn't in highschool anymore. With a sigh of annoyance, she pushed herself away from the door and walked back to her bed, dropping into its comfort without much care. A million thoughts continued to plague her until the unaware sweep of sleep tucked her in.


"Wakey Wakey!" Marie heard the voice but vehemently refused to respond to it. She was exhausted. There was no way she'd be able to endure another day like yesterday. She didn't even know how they did it! The sound of the drape's rings scraping across a metal rod preceded the glare of sun that hit her closed eyelids. If the woman thought that would wake her she was sorely mistaken. The tousled brunette head simply turned to bury her face into her pillow while growling at her friend.

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