Monty Vs Pandora

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One beautiful day Shadow took Pandora to the park and have fun Pandora wasn't like other kids on the playground.

Pandora went to play on the swing "Hmm this is not so bad and why is there rocks up who put a rock there?"

"Guess I can go higher."

She rode on the swing for 5 minutes and she got off the swing "Now I have stop the swing before little morals get hurt."

Monty spotted Pandora "Hey Pandora." he said.

"What do you want faker?" she asked.

"I've found you, faker!"

"Faker? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here. You're comparing yourself to me? Ha! You're not even good enough to be my fake!"

 "I'll make you eat those words!"

"Did you get that quote from Sonic." Pandora asked.

"Yes Did you get that from Shadow." Monty asked.

"Yes I did blue hedgehog."

"What are you doing here?'

"Sonic took me to the park to get some fresh air."

"Whatever faker."

"Let's have a race each other on the playground."

"Ok let's do this."

Pandora and Monty knows to stay where Sonic and Shadow can see them.

"All right on your marks get set go!"

Monty and Pandora took off like a flash and ran Monty is so fast he was way ahead.

Pandora was fast too she was catching up to him.

"I will win this race because I'm the ultimate lifeform I know I will."

Sonic and Shadow saw them racing "Wow their rivalry are just like us Shadow."

"I'm sure my sister will win the race."

"Oh yeah my brother will win for sure."

"Will see about that faker."

Pandora was getting close to Monty and she was in the lead.

Monty and Pandora was getting close to the finish line which is the jungle gym.

They were neck to neck and Monty won the race.

"I won!" Monty cheered.

"Hmph Fine." she grumbled.

"Oh come on Pandora don't be a sore loser."

"All right fine you win Monty."

"That's more like."

Pandora walked away from Monty.

"I'm playing on the jungle gym alone."

"All right I'll go play on the slide."

Pandora was climbing on the jungle gym was being careful on it so she fall and hurt herself.

"Hmph naturally." she said.

Pandora was about to walk to Shadow where he was sitting on the bench.

She saw Eggette bullying the kid on the playground.

"HEY!" she yelled.

Eggette turned to her "Are you talking to me."

"Yes you leave that kid alone."

Monty showed up "You heard her leave that child alone or I'm telling Sonic." warned Monty.

"Make me Monty."

"Come on Pandora we have to work together to stop her."

"All right Monty let's do this."

All three of them begin to fight.

They punched and kicked it was a epic fight.

Pandora eyes and body begin glowing red Pandora turned around to face Eggette as she shouted, "CHAOS BLAST!" a red explosion suddenly engulfed the surrounding area damaging it severely. Monty ran to Sonic and Eggette had run away just before the blast had got her knocking her out completely.

"Pandora did you defeat Eggette." he asked.

"Yes I was saving the kid from the bully."

"Wow you are one brave girl plus you're the ultimate lifeform just like me."

"Monty you showed the bully like a boss."

"Yeah I could have done it without Pandora."

"Our race was pathetic but we work together as a team."

"Shadow can we go home now."

"Yes Pandora we can go now."

Monty waved goodbye to Pandora.

Pandora waved back to him.

Pandora was holding Shadow's hand.

Shadow saw Sonic walking away while holding Monty's hand.

"This is why I don't like bullies they are big meanies."

"Yeah I know they are bunch of fools."


Shadow and Pandora got home from outside.

They both chill down on the couch and watched tv.

Pandora Shorts Season 1Where stories live. Discover now